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How To Capitalize On Hidden Sources Of Traffic!

by Wes Baylock

There are always a few hidden sources of traffic, or ways to leverage, or profit avenues in your website that you just haven't found yet. For the most part, testing out new ideas and strategies will reveal them. Sometimes it takes a crazy idea to let them loose.

But today, I have listed 2 simple and instantly useable ideas below that you can implement right now. These will no doubt send you traffic. All you have to do is take the little time required to implement them.

1) Redirecting lost traffic with an .htaccess file!

It amazes me how often I see an "Error, this page was not found" page when surfing the web. This is valuable traffic that websites are losing that is so easy to fix by installing a simple file that takes 5 minutes.

If you have had a website for any length of time, you have probably erased a few pages. Once a page is erased and people still visit it, they get a "Page not found" error. This is a waste of good traffic.

To fix this, you just need to implement an .htaccess file that will redirect all of that wasted traffic to where you want.

Here are the steps to do this:

Step 1: Create a file on your computer and name it .htaccess. Make sure the period is there before the "h" when you create it.

Step 2: Open the file you just created in a text editor and put the below text between the --- lines inside the file.

ErrorDocument 404

The "" is whatever one of your pages on your website you want all of this lost traffic to go to.

Step 3: Upload the file to the same directory that your index.html file is.

That is it. Now whenever somebody goes to a page that you deleted, or misspells a web page on your site, they are redirected back to whatever page you specify instead of getting a 404 error page.

I suggest you send them right back to your salesletter which is where they are supposed to be anyway. :)

2) Send 2 letters to your subscribers instead of one.

Out of all of the e-mail newsletters and e-zines I receive each week, only about a quarter of them do this.

I have to admit, I am guilty of NOT doing this myself, and I have lost out on extra traffic as a result.

The idea is that with all the spam filtering these days, your e-mails to your subscribers are not going to their e-mail boxes. Certain words in your e-mail trigger these filters and erase your e-mail altogether.

So, with this in mind, you can get your letter read by more people if you simply create an online version of the emails you are sending out, and send an extra e-mail out letting your subscribers know about it.

This second e-mail letter will be very small with very little words. Basically, it will say something like: "Hi, The newest issue of the ABC Newsletter is now ready, to read it, go to:"

And that is it. Short, simple and with hardly any words to trigger the spam filters that will get your letter deleted.

By the way, the above was just an example, you may want to spice it up a little. But keep it as short as possible.

So, now you have two very easy ways of getting more traffic out of things you are already doing.

Enjoy the benefits!


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