In October 2016, Cadbury Dairy Milk introduced an animated alien series to promote their product with #InterstellarParty where the alien was thoroughly enticed by the chocolate. The video has received over 14.9 Million views to date.
Many businesses could only wish they knew how to run viral marketing campaigns like Cadbury, but the truth is crafting a successful viral marketing campaign is still difficult. One misstep in the plan can significantly affect targeted ROI.
So if you want to learn how to run a solid viral marketing campaign, come and take up a copy of “Viral Marketing 2.0 Made Easy“, the latest PLR package from Dr. Amit Pareek.
You can:
+ Slap Your Name & Sell as Your Own to people who are HUNGRILY looking for it & make a huge profit
+ Use it to create a private membership
+ Use it to build your own list by offering it as a gift
+ Use it as high quality bonus with your products
+ Use it to train your team
+ Use it as high quality content for your seminar, webinar, or training
+ Use it to prospect your client & close the deals
+ Use it to grow your own business online
+ Use it to train your clients & charge them BIG Bucks
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Or do anything that you can think of!
This brand new product comes with all ready-to-go sales material so you could get instant return on your investment by selling it immediately! You can sell unlimited copies for life!
You will get everything mentioned below:
* 1: High Quality Training Guide (Valued at $720)
* 2: Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)
* 3: Mind Map (Valued at $40)
* 4: Top Resources Report (Valued at $20)
* 5: High Converting Sales Copy (Valued at $320)
* 6: 6 Professional Minisites (Valued at $160)
* 7: Doodle Style Sales Video (Valued at $320)
* 8: Swipe Emails for Affiliates (Valued at $20)
* 9: Complete Set of Animated Banners (Valued at $160)
* 10: Complete Set of Professional Graphics (Valued at $240)