Are your clients still working at a job they hate? Or are they building a business that leaves them feeling flat?
They know there’s more out there, but they just haven’t taken the time (and space) to figure out what exactly they want, just yet.
If so, CoachGlue’s “My Dream Business Journal” is for them:
• The employee who feels trapped in a job that they hate…who is desperate to give their notice and knows that starting a business is the only way to regain control so this never happens again.
• The service provider who has created a stressful job for herself and is ready for a change.
• The coach who knows there’s more out there, and she just needs to sit down and get clear on what that is.
The questions inside this journal will give them what they need to get clear on their dream business vision and help them to access the infinite wisdom already inside them, so they can release the confusion, fear and doubt (and indecision!) and bring their dream business to life.
Your clients will get such clarity and confidence going through the thoughtful prompts inside.
Whether you purchase this for your own transformation or to use with your clients, you’ll love the journey.
You’ll get this journal in Canva and it’s ready to go!
You’ll also get the text in a plain Word document if you would rather turn these prompts into a card deck or create your own hand-drawn artsy version of this journal.
Need ideas? We’ve got them!
1) Open the Canva and add your name. Then click “save as PDF”. Load it up for sale on your website.
2) Offer a coaching program with this journal.
3) Turn this journal into a group challenge. Go in your FB group every day and talk about the daily prompt.
4) Add this as a bump offer in your shopping cart.
5) Create a print version (gifts for your clients?).
6) Make a card deck with the journal prompts.
7) Create an entire funnel and run FB ads to it!