Copy-paste photos your way to $65/day!

Imagine if YOU could make $115 in 60 minutes…

And all you had to do…was copy-paste PHOTOS!

And YES, this works best right now…in the HOLIDAY season!

ALL you need is a free account with Clickbank, Amazon or Google Shopping…


And this strange new “FLASH” app does the rest!

Seriously, I wish I thought of this…

There’s no hard work, and no costs involved.

You don’t need a website or a camera of your own.

All you do is visit any e-commerce site…

Choose a product photo, click ‘copy’…

Paste the JPG image into the app, hit ‘run’, and then start making “flash cash” on a daily basis!

Cash conversions could TRIPLE during the holiday season!

The projected 50-day window from Black Friday, Cyber Monday to Christmas is over $550 billion in revenue.

These sales ARE going to happen whether you’re part of it, so it’s a huge money-making opportunity not to be missed.

Also, please understand this ONLY works with photos of PRODUCTS.

If you try and copy-paste other photos (memes, celebrities etc.), the app won’t run.

That’s because it’s PRODUCT photos that make money.

But don’t worry, there are over 250 million products Flash works with.

From PlayStations to prams…from alloy rims to electric ovens…

You’re bound to find at least ONE photo of a product you LOVE!

This video explains how this opportunity works.

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