[69% Discount] “Breaking The Time Barrier” PLR Package up for grabs!

Grab yourself a high-quality PLR product and start making sales!

Breaking The Time Barrier

Breaking The Time Barrier” is the REAL SOLUTION that your customers are looking for to learn how to create more time for themselves and focus on things that truly matter, even in a hyper-distractive environment.

This transformational guide contains everything you need to know about mastering the art of time management—identifying and eliminating common time wasters, creating an effective time management system, the art of focus, managing information overload, the benefits of automation, techniques for a healthy work-life balance, cultivating a time management culture and much more waiting to be uncovered inside!

Here’s a full list of what you are going to get inside “Breaking The Time Barrier” PLR package:

* Module 1: Premium “Breaking The Time Barrier” blueprint, 10,000+ words
* Module 2: Complete checklist
* Module 3: Comprehensive mind map
* Module 4: High converting sales page and “thank you” page
* Module 5: Hypnotizing video sales letter
* Module 6: “7-Day Challenge To Reclaim Your Time” special report, 4,000+ words
* Module 7: Professional landing page
* Module 8: Follow-up e-mail series
* Module 9: Stunning, professional-looking graphics
* Module 10: License certificates
* MORE Unannounced Bonuses

What this course covers:

• Understanding the true value of time and how to have enough of it.
• Recognizing common time wasters and how to avoid them.
• Creating a time management system that works for you.
• The benefits of having a time management system.
• The art of focus and how it can improve creativity and productivity.
• Strategies for coping with information overload.
• The key benefits of automation and how it can improve efficiency.
• Techniques for achieving a healthy work-life balance.
• Strategies to foster a time management culture within teams or organizations.
• How to set goals efficiently and prioritize tasks.
• Assigning time limits to tasks for better productivity.
• The importance of taking periodic breaks to recharge.
• Organizing your environment and tasks for optimal performance.
• Removing excess activities that do not align with your goals.
• Planning ahead to anticipate and mitigate potential time-wasters.
• The impact of poor time management on work quality and stress levels.

With FULL private label rights, you can easily:

-> SELL IT as is and keep 100% of the profits
-> Use it for PERSONAL USE
-> Put your name on it and be the AUTHOR
-> Give away as BONUS when customers buy your other products
-> Use it as a LEAD MAGNET
-> Retitle, edit and profit!
-> Use it as UPSELL for more moolah!

Everything is completely done for you, and you’re all set to brand yourself as an authority in this niche without much effort!

This is also your chance to be your customers’ “super hero” and they’ll love you for it!

Just make ONE sale, and you’re on your way to continuous and never-ending profits (simply send traffic to this evergreen product!).

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