Become A Student Of Your Copywriting Specialty by Bob Bly

Gordon Graham, who has written over 200 whitepapers for clients, advises copywriters to follow their chosen part of the copywriting field.

“I study at least one or two whitepapers every day,” says Gordon. “That means I look at 500 examples of the documents I specialize in every year. Doing any less would be foolish.”
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In the pre-Internet days I told direct response copywriters to open, read, and study every piece of direct mail they received. Doing so was better than getting an MBA in direct marketing. I still do it today.

Your New Year’s Resolution: Make It Big In 2015!

So what’s your New Year’s Resolution going to be this year?

I can tell you my resolution will be to dramatically increase my income from my online business.

How am I going to do that?

I’ll be on this webinar on Tuesday, December 30th: Make It Big In 2015!

Two Internet Millionaires, Shawn Casey and Brian Koz, will be laying out their blueprint for cashing in big in 2015.

Over the last 15 years, they’ve helped a huge number of people to make millions of dollars. They’re ready to help you turn 2015 into the greatest year you’ve ever had.

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Make your videos look like you appear on CNN!

New kid on the block, Thomas Owen made an obvious discovery.

Video marketing works, but not for everyone…

In fact Thomas drilled down to find out why 90% of video marketers are disappointed with their video conversion rates.

The answer…

Most don’t have the knowledge or skill to create videos which include powerful calls-to-action.
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Thomas noticed the need from millions using video unsuccessfully to have something to easily create professional and attractive call-to-actions.

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I had the privilege of checking out the simplicity and power of this software, which is like none that I’ve ever seen before!

You owe it yourself to see the demo video and I’ll bet you come away saying, “Why didn’t I thought of this before?”

Why So Many Fail To Make Money Online by Bob Bly

Subscriber ME writes, “The big boys of Internet marketing exaggerate. Super-gurus tell everyone they track everything.

“Yet when it comes to the success rate of their seminar attendees, I have never seen a percentage or any other type of metric.”

Another subscriber, CT, says, “I have given a couple of these gurus a lot of money for reports on their amazing marketing strategies.”

He goes on to say he has made almost no money. But incredibly and honestly, he blames not the gurus but himself for not following their advice.

ME is right: the big gurus don’t track or publish the success rate of their students because they know it is abysmal. Why is that? For several reasons.

First, as I believe Perry Marshall pointed out in an essay some time back, the guru authoring the course has aptitudes, experience, and talents most of his customers lack.

Therefore, the methods in the course will really only work for the guru and a small group of followers with similar aptitudes and talents. For the majority of buyers, they won’t have the skills to implement the system and it will fail.

Second, like CT, most buyers do not follow the instructions in the course. A surprising number never even read, listen to, or watch the program. Many others study it and then ignore or don’t do the actions required.

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Fourth, there are a number of factors that determine whether we are successful, and while many successful people like to deny it, luck is one of these factors. Some people follow the guru’s instructions, but things don’t work out for them. They could try again but are usually too discouraged to do so.

Fifth, it takes either time or money to succeed at any business venture. You don’t need both, but you do need one, and you cannot succeed with neither.

Some buyers of guru-published courses are so busy at work they simply cannot give their spare-time Internet business the attention it needs. And so they never progress.

Others are so cash-strapped that they can’t afford to invest in the elements needed for online success, such as hiring a web designer to produce their landing pages or a ghostwriter to write their first e-book.

CT does not blame the gurus. He blames himself. “It’s not the guru’s fault. It’s my own.”

Education and coaching can give you a leg up on other newbies, but they cannot guarantee success. The most important factor in whether you succeed at online marketing or any other home business is you.

Bob Bly is the author of “World’s Best Copywriting Secrets” and has written copy for more than 100 companies including IBM, Boardroom, Medical Economics and AT&T. He is the author of more than 75 books and a columnist for Target Marketing, Early To Rise and The Writer. McGraw-Hill calls him “America’s top copywriter”.

Drastically improve your lead quality TODAY!

Things have changed A LOT recently when it comes to list building.

The landscape has become far more competitive. I’m sure you’ve noticed how open and click rates have plummeted in the last few years.

Inboxes are more crowded than ever and if you want to win that tough battle, you better listen to this interview.

List building is NOT just about getting more leads…

And if you’re not collecting the “right kind” of leads, you’re going to get chewed up and spit out.

When you listen to this interview with 8-figure earner, Russell Brunson, you’re going to discover his favorite lead generation tactic that an extreme few Internet marketers actually use…
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But that has helped him grow his coaching business alone by over 500% in the last year.

Sure, putting up a squeeze page and doing it the same way that everyone else is doing it CAN get you results.

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How To Create A Winning DM Package by Bob Bly

In the Talon Newsletter (12/14, p. 1), Justin Wong says a winning direct mail package will include multiple elements.

“Some people enjoy reading letters while some like looking at colorful photos in brochures,” he writes. “As a rule of thumb, we recommend using both brochures and letters in conjunction to maximize readership.”

Justin also says there should be some redundancy between the elements: “That’s why it’s so important to make sure your calls-to-action are clear and repeated throughout all elements,” he says. “Anyone who looks at any of one section of your materials should have a clear idea of what the offering is and why they should care.”

My mentor and NYU professor, the late Milt Pierce, told us the reason to have multiple elements in a DM package was that when the envelope was opened, the various pieces would fall out onto the prospect’s desk or table. Each piece was another shot at gaining attention and communicating the sales message.

Of course, many new formats have sprung up, and in certain applications, these mailers have beaten the traditional letter package.

For instance, the magazine subscription industry was dominated by #10 and other size envelope packages with 4-page letters. Then the double postcard and voucher were invented and blew the letter packages away.
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Many financial publishers have found that magalogs and digests outpull sales letters in envelopes, though Stansberry still uses envelope packages with success.

In mortgages, we have found that adding a color brochure to a letter in an envelope actually depresses response.

For Physicians Desk Reference, the control was a snap pack, unbeaten for years. Every conceivable format was tested against it and failed to beat it. Finally I wrote a package that beat the control…and, it was a snap pack!

So while I think Justin’s advice on traditional envelope DM packages is fairly on target, you should be testing formats to see which works best for your offer.

Bob Bly is the author of “World’s Best Copywriting Secrets” and has written copy for more than 100 companies including IBM, Boardroom, Medical Economics and AT&T. He is the author of more than 75 books and a columnist for Target Marketing, Early To Rise and The Writer. McGraw-Hill calls him “America’s top copywriter”.

850% increase in traffic AND revenue (here’s how

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To traffic and profits!

Turn Up Your Marketing B.S. Filter by Bob Bly

When I started as a copywriter in the late 1970s, there were almost no gurus offering training of any kind in copywriting, freelancing, or marketing.

Now the Internet is lousy with people offering you expensive courses in how to write killer copy, how to make six figures as a freelance copywriter, and how to make a million dollars in Internet marketing.

My concern is that because many of these teachers are unqualified and their programs worthless and overpriced, you will waste a lot of time and money on them unless I stop you.

So with that goal in mind, here are some guidelines for evaluating gurus and their programs in copywriting, freelancing, and Internet marketing.

1. Ask what products he or she has sold.

If the Internet teacher has only sold information and worse, only information on how to make money selling information online, run.

You want a teacher who has experience selling real, physical products as well as electrons.

2. Is he or she active in the field?

I talk to a lot of hotshot young copywriters who run coaching groups where they teach their followers to write “killer” copy.

When I ask these young pseudo-gurus who they write for, they invariably reply, “Oh, I don’t work with clients any more. I just write for my own products.”

You get and stay good as a copywriter by constantly writing for a wide range of clients, products, and offers. If the guru no longer writes for clients, I submit that he is becoming stale and losing value.

Ask the copy guru to name some of his current clients and promotions. If they say “I don’t write for clients,” move on.

3. Does he or she offer low-cost/no-cost advice and materials?

If the only product available is a $3,000 big box course or a $2,000 a month coaching club with a 6-month minimum, this guru’s primary passion is extracting as much money as he can from unwary newbies, not education.

There’s nothing wrong with selling expensive info products; I recently did a $2,500-a-head weekend seminar and plan a couple more for 2015. But you can buy my 350-page paperback book on copywriting for $15 and read dozens of my marketing articles for free on my site.

A good strategy for you if you are on a shoestring budget is to go to the websites of multiple gurus and download and read the ton of content that awaits you there. Often the free stuff is as good or better than the paid stuff.

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One copy and marketing guru stares angrily from the screen wearing dark glasses and a do-wrap, looking tediously groovy. He also brags about using the f-word in his writing and speeches, which apparently he thinks makes him look like a cool rebel.

A lot of gurus today cultivate a deliberate image, usually one of rebellious hipster, and if you like that, fine, but if you don’t, steer clear.

“I sometimes wonder where this whole notion of marketing rebel, kick-ass copywriting, take-no-prisoners copy, killer, ninja, guerilla, warrior foolishness began in the first place,” says ace copywriter Rich Armstrong.

“Some of these Internet guys have put together a small community who seem to like this writing, and if they can make a living doing this, more power to them.

“But if they aspire to be a freelance copywriter working for the nation’s biggest and best direct-response marketing clients…well, that’s my world, and I can tell you for a fact these guys wouldn’t survive 5 minutes there.”

5. Is he or she accessible?

If you send me an e-mail, I respond. If you call, I pick up my own phone.

This is in sharp contrast to many Internet and copy gurus who have an impenetrable wall of caller ID and autoresponders to keep their fans at a distance.

I would be very hesitant to spend a lot of money with a teacher who makes me jump through hoops to ask him a simple question or two.

6. What is the guarantee?

Do not buy from gurus with conditional guarantees on their products.

A conditional guarantee is one where you have to demonstrate that you used the system correctly before the seller will grant you a refund.

The problem with conditional guarantees is the seller invariably says you didn’t do something correctly and therefore cannot get a refund.

Only buy from gurus who offer unconditional guarantees, meaning you can return the product for any reason or even no reason at all and get a full and prompt refund, no questions asked.

Bob Bly is the author of “World’s Best Copywriting Secrets” and has written copy for more than 100 companies including IBM, Boardroom, Medical Economics and AT&T. He is the author of more than 75 books and a columnist for Target Marketing, Early To Rise and The Writer. McGraw-Hill calls him “America’s top copywriter”.

Here’s a really great way to build your list…

What if I told you that for just a few minutes work you could have an automated, traffic-getting list building machine working for you on complete autopilot?

Allow me to explain…

Have you ever entered a contest online?

One where you have to answer a really simple question in order to enter?

Well, usually the reason why the question is so easy, is to maximise the amount of entries to the contest, and the huge benefit to this is because whoever is running the contest can collect the e-mail address of those entrants in order to build their list.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could run simple contests and collect targeted e-mail subscribers?

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Henry Gold has released a brand new Twitter course called “Twitter Marketing Secrets Step-By-Step Guide 2.0” where you will learn how to drive massive Twitter traffic FAST!

He will share strategies such as:

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Activity #1 and Activity #2 Problems by Andy Jenkins & Mike Filsaime


99% of your business revenue will eventually emerge from focusing on just 2 activities (If it hasn’t already, it will):
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Activity #1 – Attracting a Visitor to your Offer
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What Every Small Business Owner Ought To Know About E-Mail Marketing

Promoting products and services via e-mail used to be easy about a decade or so ago, because e-mail was still pretty new and people were excited to get mail.

Now all that’s changed.

You need to be on top of the best e-mail strategies in order to get readers to open, read and click on your links.

Here are 3 tips to boost your response rate:

1. Give People a Reason to Open Your E-mails

Here’s a funny thing…

People sign up for newsletters and then they never read them. Sure, they have good intentions, but when the newsletter hits their inboxes they see nothing compelling enough to make them click on the e-mail and start reading it.

The solution?

You need to write juicy subject lines that virtually compel people to open your e-mails.

For example, here’s a boring subject line: “Weight loss tips”

Here’s a better one: “The #1 secret for getting rid of belly fat—you won’t believe this!”

Which one would you click on? If you’re like most people, you’ll click on the second one because it arouses your curiosity and promises a benefit.

2. Gain Your Readers’ Trust

So, you created a sweet subject line that got people to open your e-mail. Now you need to create good content so that they read your entire e-mail.

As a bonus, if they like what they see in one e-mail, then they’re more likely to open and read your future e-mails.

So how do you gain readers’ trust?

Like this:

* Be honest with your product recommendations. If you wouldn’t recommend it to your mother or your best friend, don’t recommend it to your list.

* Give your readers what they want and expect. If they signed up for golf tips, give them the very best tips you can. If they signed up for your list expecting to get discounts on products, then be sure you offer those discounts frequently.

3. Get People Used to Promotional Recommendations

Sometimes people think they have to ‘nurture’ their list by giving only 100% free content for the first few weeks.

NOT true!

You want to give your subscribers the very best recommendations for products and services, which will of course include paid offers. That’s why you should promote paid offers from e-mail #1, which also lets your readers know what to expect from day #1.

Okay, so those are 3 proven tips for boosting your response rate but these are really just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to know what one of the net’s top marketers knows about getting readers to open, read and buy from your e-mails, then click here.

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So what did he do? Well, he’s a salesman by trade, but Ankit has a flair for design that most people lack…and his videos are simply…different. They’re unique.

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5 Ways To Make Money As A Speaker by Bob Bly

Do you want to speak and get paid for it?

There are 5 basic ways to make money as a speaker.

The first is to speak for free in exchange for the opportunity to market your consulting or professional services.

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But, if your talk is videotaped and your terms include getting a free copy of the master, then the time is never wasted, because you can use the video in your marketing

Hot New PLR Product For You

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When it comes to creating products, your first thought is…

“It takes too much time!”

I don’t blame you. It takes days, weeks if not months just to have a decent product you can be proud to sell.

The last thing you want to do is sit in front of your computer and stare at a blank screen.

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