The past few weeks have seen heavy buzz surrounding the upcoming launch of Brad Callen’s Affiliate Elite. Will it do any better for your marketing? I found out that it does more than just being an AdWords spying program. It also identifies profitable niches, reveals bestselling products and helps you locate and liaise with potential JV partners.
Essentially what Affiliate Elite does is:
1. Find profitable affiliate products to promote: The system makes sorting, organizing and filtering potential affiliate programs an absolute breeze. The program imports the latest ClickBank and PayDotCom affiliate programs daily, allow you to sort by keyword, date added, category, Clickbank ID and more. It also allows you to see trends and easily pinpoint which programs you will want to promote and which ones to avoid like the plague.
I can’t emphasize enough the speed at which AE is able to complete this task so you can make more income in a short amount of time.
2. Reverse Google Search: Enter the domain name of a website and AE will return, within seconds, the keywords, position rankings, ad title, ad body text, and destination landing page URL for each PPC ad on Google AdWords pointing to the website. This works for any website, not just those selling ClickBank or PayDotCom products/services.
This gets you an instant and profitable keyword list for you to market the very same product and using the same, or improved, details as your competitors.
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3. Analyze AdWords competition: You simply enter your list of keywords and let AE’s AdWords spy tool run on a scheduled basis, for as many days as you want and track which keywords are being bid on and which ones are not. It will then start to show you an extremely powerful list of words that are being used by the same companies for extended periods of time. These keywords are most certainly money-makers because advertisers do not like to waste money. The second best part is once you have identified which sites are using which words for extended periods of time, you simply go back to the reverse search and find all the words those sites are using and watch those as well. You will accumulate all the data you need to chart performance over a timeline and determine which of the PPC ads and keywords are profitable.
4. Find super affiliates: You can easily find affiliates who are already promoting similar products as to what you have and contact them to promote your product. You can also find all the products that any affiliate (such as a guru who mails you) is promoting and then using the reverse search, you can uncover everything (keywords, sales copy and ad copy) that they are using.
2 main drawbacks are that:
1) It is limited to working only with Clickbank and PayDotCom. Hopefully AE can include more affiliate networks in a future upgrade.
2) The price is likely out of reach for some people, especially when there is a recurring cost of $37 a month. It seems like AE has to query, crawl and update 4 billion web pages on a weekly basis and the cost will have to justify server load and performance.
All in all, Brad Callen is definitely not just another hyped-up product pimp (not like me) and he is bringing to your table a powerhouse application that costs your time and speed up your marketing effectiveness. Save your affiliate marketing performance with Affiliate Elite today!