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The cure for shiny object syndrome

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He took a look at all the successful Internet marketers and noticed something they all had in common and followed suit.

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He’s put the exact steps he took into a product and is pretty much giving it away!

If you’re suffering from the dreaded S.O.S then you need this!

Can A Computer Write Better Copy Than You? by Bob Bly

There’s been a lot of talk lately about companies developing software that can write copy.

Naturally copywriters are both a bit skeptical and a bit nervous that, if the software works, it will put them out of a job.

The copywriting software company getting the most PR is Persado. A recent Wall Street Journal headline boldly proclaimed: “Persado Raises $21 Million to Replace Human Copywriters with Computers.”

But as it turns out, the media misinterprets what Persado’s software is really doing. So let me set the record straight, based on a recent interview I conducted with Persado CMO David Atlas.

First, the software does not write copy in the sense that you or I might write a sales letter, ad, landing page, or brochure. It cannot do what we copywriters do…yet.

David explained to me that the Persado algorithm is limited to creating persuasive sentences with a maximum length of 600 characters. So far it is used mostly to write e-mail subject lines and text messaging for mobile marketing.

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What happens is the software sends e-mails with thousands of different subject lines to a marketer’s e-list. A lot of Persado customers are large online retailers. They include Neiman Marcus,, and American Express.

Within these many versions and permutations of a subject line or mobile message, the software is able to measure response and test short phrases and even single words.

Then the algorithm composes new subject lines incorporating the winning words and phrases.

Armed with this tested database of results, the Persado software can indeed compose or “write” subject lines and other persuasive sentences, such as calls-to-action, that beat copy written by humans.

Rather than competing with human copywriters, which Persado does not do, it is a tool that we copywriters could actually use to our advantage

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Which Kind Of Copywriter Should You Be? by Bob Bly

When it comes to making six figures as an independent copywriter, there are two options you can choose from.

Option A, which is my primary activity and produces a six-figure annual income, is that of being a traditional freelance copywriter.

This entails writing copy, usually on a project basis, for many different clients selling a variety of products and services.

Option B, which I also make six figures from, is to write copy for your own products.

Some copywriters do one or the other, while other writers do both.

Ted Nicholas, for instance, has had huge success writing copy to sell his own products but also has written winning promotions for many clients.

Another product is Kamagra effervescent tablets that are used to treat ED(erectile order cialis online dysfunction) in male. Of course, that is part of the male reproductive organ gets pressure on the veins which are close to the skin surface and this levitra properien drains the blood. There are numerous pills that are widely demanded for their effectiveness such as Kamagra, Caverta and Silagra, it is suggested to take cautionary measures to prevent side-effects. sildenafil buy in canada And you only take it when you viagra overnight delivery plan to have sexual intercourse. Both options have their pros and cons. So which option do I recommend for beginning copywriters? Option A.

The reason is simple: Getting clients aside, there are two primary copywriting skills. One is the ability to write persuasive copy; the other is the ability to quickly learn and understand a variety of markets and products.

When you are a pure “Option B” copywriter, you may be a great persuasive writer. But, you are writing only about products you created and are therefore familiar with.

Therefore, you do not gain experience in writing for products and markets other than your own. And you do not learn how to quickly study and understand different products and communicate their benefits to unfamiliar audiences.

As a result, as an “Option B” practitioner, you are in a sense an incomplete copywriter. You only possess half the skills needed to succeed as a traditional freelance copywriter, should you ever want or need to do so.

As an “Option A” or traditional copywriter, I am constantly asked to write about new products and to new markets

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A Recent Test Of Long Copy Vs. Short Copy by Bob Bly

There is no marketing axiom that says long copy is best in every situation.

But there are many situations in which long copy can boost response, but doesn’t get to do so, because someone involved with the project objects to it, precisely because they feel it is too lengthy.

In a recent test, an investment advisory firm hired me to rewrite a 2-page flier they use to invite potential clients to a free investment and retirement planning workshop.

When I handed in my copy and their graphic designer laid it out, it was 4 pages, not 2 pages.

The headlines for the control and test were the same. The difference was that my longer promotion was double the length of what they were using, information packed, and with a lot more proof.

Note: both their 2-pager and my 4-pager offer a book on retirement planning as a free bonus gift, and the book is mailed to those who sign up in advance of the workshop date.

My client showed my copy to a marketing consultant in the financial area, who declared that people are too busy and would never read such long copy, and therefore it would not work. “It is way too long,” he said. “People are in a hurry today.”

My client decided to test my 4-page mailer. The result: it pulled more than double the response of the shorter mailer, getting twice as many prospects to attend the workshop.

“This incident, though admittedly just a single test, is very significant for me, because it shows long copy can beat short,” my client says, adding, “But the long copy must be compelling.”

About the consultant who proclaimed that the 4-pager would bomb, my client replied, “When your prospects are deciding what to do with $1 million, they will find time to read good long copy.”

In addition, my client believes the long copy invitation will get a better quality of prospect closer to what he wants.

“If they are willing to read the long copy, they are more likely to read the book I mail them and will be that much more likely to do business with me.”

Two takeaways:

1. For many offers long copy out-pulls short copy substantially, which makes it worth testing. If you use a 1-page letter, test against a 2-page letter.

2. Not only does long copy increase response, but it can also produce a more qualified lead, since those who will read long copy are serious buyers.

Bob Bly is the author of “World’s Best Copywriting Secrets” and has written copy for more than 100 companies including IBM, Boardroom, Medical Economics and AT&T. He is the author of more than 75 books and a columnist for Target Marketing, Early To Rise and The Writer. McGraw-Hill calls him “America’s top copywriter”.

Discover 3 Inbound Marketing Strategies For Your Business Expansion

Discover 3 Inbound Marketing Strategies For Your Business Expansion

Let’s recall the last time you were out in the street and an enormous billboard caught your attention. Did you immediately visit the advertised website? Or did you proceed on your journey without remembering?

This is a prime example of a fizzled endeavor at an outbound marketing strategy. Consider those “in your face” advertisements you see regularly like those promotions at the sides of buses or taxis or the large print ads taking up 50% of the newspaper. Does this style lure you to find out more about the offer?

Most likely not. Not only outbound marketing “pushes out” ads without a targeted audience or demographic in mind, it regularly consumes up your advertising dollars quicker than you can say, “Where are my revenues?”

What marketers today should know is that effective marketing doesn’t have to appeal to the masses in order to see a return, but instead concentrate on creating remarkable or compelling content that attracts people by piquing their interest. This type of advertising is known as Inbound Marketing. I share the following 3 Inbound marketing strategies that can develop your business and get results.

1. Construct A Buyer Persona

You have a business. You offer an item or service. Customers are your best supporters as they trust your brand and use it. They picked YOUR business to purchase from and not from your competitors. Instead of spending important advertising dollars on drawing in the wrong set of prospects, construct a buyer persona based on the majority of your customers and concentrated around their needs and wants. By creating a buyer persona and nailing down your clients’ needs, lifestyles and even apprehensions, you will have the capacity to think of a ready answer to address your clients’ challenges. By placing ourselves in the shoes of our prospects, we can better preempt their purchasing decision. Beyond that, you can foster a closer relationship with existing customers as they begin to adore your brand and unreservedly evangelize it. It’s so much more effective to zero in on the right leads this way because it is very difficult to measure the degree of favorable response to outbound ads.

2. Build Trust With Content Creation

Effective Inbound marketers must continually engage prospects with informative content. Offering guidance, learning tips, or answers to their inquiries encourages readers to identify closely with your brand. Content design also takes on a variety of creative approaches: blogging, vlogging, e-books, infographics, videos, webinars, social media publishing etc. As time goes, content becomes the vehicle with which marketers lead prospects through their marketing funnel, ultimately winning them over for the sale. Yes, the sales result is paramount, but I must emphasize the use of content in establishing and building trust in the minds of prospects. When a prospect completely comprehends and believes in your brand, it is natural that they become willing customers.

3. Be Active On Social Media

Consider these statistics as revealed in a HubSpot study:

  1. Internet users spend 4 times more time on Facebook than Google
  2. Number of active users on:
    • Facebook: 1.3 billion
    • Twitter: 645 million
    • LinkedIn: 300 million
    • Google+: 300 million

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  3. 74% of marketers saw an increase in traffic after spending just 6 hours per week on social media
  4. At least 35% of marketers have acquired customers on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter

Social media publishing and engagement is therefore integral to your Inbound strategy in converting visitors to leads and acquiring and supporting customers. When you keep customers happy, they can be evangelists for your brand. Their public displays of delight will appeal to their connections and your prospects too!

The more you apply social media marketing, the sooner you will encounter more in-depth strategies, but let’s start with fulfilling basic requirements:

  1. Consider the frequency you are going to publish/post on the 4 major social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. Plan out the regular timings for your posts so that your fans and followers can readily anticipate them.
  2. Show your personality. Don’t be afraid to show what makes you, your company and corporate culture special and enjoyable to work or associate with.
  3. Design your content presentation. As mentioned earlier, mix up the form of your content with images, videos, downloads, blog posts, quotes, polls, questions etc., but take into account the appropriateness/suitability of the content form for a particular social network, the publishing timing and the persona of your readers. 80% of your content should be interesting and helpful and 20% can be promotional.
  4. Know your buyer persona. I keep coming back to the ‘persona’ because it is important and unavoidable. In the context of social media, knowing your buyer persona thoroughly allows you to get content to them at the right place at the right time. Consider these questions:
    1. Where are they spending time on the Internet?
    2. Which networks? Is it only the big 4 or a niche site targeted at people in the same industry or interest?
    3. Why are they there? For business or pleasure?
    4. Most importantly, what sort of content do they want to read and share?

Taking everything into account, Inbound marketing is about giving and winning client steadfastness as opposed to beating a message into prospects’ heads and trusting it will stick. By applying the 3 fundamental Inbound marketing strategies as stated, brands will eventually see enormous returns for their efforts on less advertising dollar expenditure.

Nelson Tan is an Inbound Marketing consultant at iSmart Communications, an integrated marketing communications agency serving the Asia-Pacific region.

Tap mobile traffic for list building with mobile squeeze pages!

Mobile Squeeze Pages

Smart businesses are using mobile squeeze pages to build their lists from mobile phone users.

However in spite of nearly 2 billion smartphone users in the world, there are still very, very FEW marketers going mobile.

Partly because building a mobile squeeze page is a different thing.

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Can You Start A Small Business While You Still Have Your Day Job? by Bob Bly

Subscriber TK, whose goal is to become a freelance copywriter and info-marketer, but currently works at a 9-to-5 job, writes: “My conundrum is the potential of giving up a significant portion of my personal life should the website take off because I take care of my customers, they know I’m their go-to person.

“With my day job, my exposure is limited, but it may not be so manageable being on the web and that scares the hell out of me, yet I am coming to the point where I’ll just have to pull the trigger and ride the bullet!”

The vast majority of small business owners and self-employed professionals had to deal with this same problem, which is as follows: You have a comfortable, well-paying day job. You want to become an independent contractor or start a small business.

When you have a day job, it means you have to work on launching your business after hours.

So, as TK says, you have to spend a lot of your time outside of your regular job working on your new business instead of playing golf, hanging out with friends, or doing other leisure activities.

I do not see too many ways around this, and I think your options are as follows:

1. Moonlight. Keep your day job and spend all or most of your hours after work building your new business. When your new business is making enough money to support you, take the leap.
But one online prescription for cialis try these guys should be careful about the platform, from where the medication is going to be submitted to an open heart surgery very soon and this could mean the end of sexual life. It is an inability in men who are unable to viagra buy viagra bear the burden. There are countless claims made cheapest levitra on the fact that manufacturers are often billing the customers twice for their single purchase in connection with the promo they are giving. This could be due psychological reasons or ill habits but super p force pills are a good alternative of usa discount cialis , which also consists of the Sildenafil citrate component which is very important and initiates the sensation of pain.”Masha” or urad dal normalizes vata and hence has anti inflammatory properties.
2. Save up so much money that you could live for a year without income. Then quit your income-producing day job and work full-time on your new business.

3. Ask your employer if you can switch to part-time status, which would give you more time to work on the business. This is a risky option because the employer might see you as not dedicated and pink-slip you for it.

The other issue starting a small business while you still have a job is privacy. If you put up a website, chances are your boss may stumble across it and may not like it. Again, very risky.

Some wanna-be freelancers make phone calls, send e-mails, and search the web for their freelance copywriting business while at work. I discourage this, as your employer is paying you to do their work while you are on the clock.

For more information on how writers can moonlight successfully, get my book “Write More, Sell More” published by Writer’s Digest Books.

Bob Bly is the author of “World’s Best Copywriting Secrets” and has written copy for more than 100 companies including IBM, Boardroom, Medical Economics and AT&T. He is the author of more than 75 books and a columnist for Target Marketing, Early To Rise and The Writer. McGraw-Hill calls him “America’s top copywriter”.

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Go beyond benefits and talk about “results”

We are taught to stress benefits in our copy, but Terry Dean suggests going one step above ordinary benefits and stressing the results your buyer will get using your product.

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re offering a product or a service, you have to deliver the results,” says Dean. “Your customers buy because of the end results and how those results make them feel.”

Dean advises marketers to make the biggest, boldest promise they can legally and ethically deliver.
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“What kind of difference will these results make in your client’s life?” he asks. “How much are the results worth? Is there any way you can improve the results you’re delivering with an even more valuable offer?”

Source: Terry Dean newsletter, 2/3/15

Income Society: Cutting-Edge Training Platform by Adeel Chowdhry

Income SocietyHere’s my review on Income Society, the most advanced training platform available online today. Let’s find out what Income Society is all about.

What is Income Society

If you are novice in the field of Internet marketing, Income Society will be the best investment decision you will ever make. It is the most complete coaching program out there.

The Man Behind The System

It’s little wonder that Income Society is such a well-developed online training and coaching system when you hear about the man behind the concept. Adeel Chowdhry was not a silver-spoon child. He built his own spectacularly successful Internet business through hard work and years of experience. I’m impressed that Adeel has chosen to help others with his mission to bring online success to 10,000 people by giving them access to this system. And we’re not talking about small amounts of revenue here. No, Adeel is giving you potential access to tens of thousands of dollars per day by allowing you to leverage his system. He’s putting back into a market that has given him so much, and benefiting other genuine people.
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Info-products make money for you even when you are not working

“When you provide a personalized service in exchange for money, you divide yourself,” said the late mail order info-marketer Jerry Buchanan. “You have only so many hours in a day, so you can take only a finite number of customers.

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About writing in someone else’s voice

Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

But when writing copy or content for a client or employer, you may have to change your tone, or your language, or your format, or a million other things to make a piece of writing better. But none of that should inhibit the inherent “you-ness” of what you write, advises HubSpot.

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Source: Hubspot report, The Marketer’s Pocket Guide to Writing Well

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Writing copy to fit the space in magalogs and other print promotions

Online, there’s no limit to the space you have for copy, but in print, you are limited by the room on the paper. Here are approximate average word counts for common print promotions:

Tabloids: 400-600 words per page.

Magalogs: 500 words per page.

Digests: 250 words per page.

Non-fiction trade books: 400 words per page.

PDF e-books: 300 words per page.
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Long-copy full-page mail order ads: 500-750 words.

Sales letters: 300 words per page.

Standard-size postcards: 100-150 words.

These are the maximum words counts, and using them results in a page fairly dense with copy, which is a common practice in direct response. In brand advertising and B2B, advertisers use far fewer words because they like white space, not understanding that white space is wasted and does not sell.

As for tabloids, word count is variable. If you filled the page solid with text like a newspaper, you could fit a thousand words. But most tabloids are designed with plenty of graphics, so word count is variable.

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Attention all OptimizePress users!

“The Designer To The Gurus” Chris Andres has FINALLY released his much anticipated one-step upload OptimizePress templates.

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