Become A Student Of Your Copywriting Specialty by Bob Bly

Gordon Graham, who has written over 200 whitepapers for clients, advises copywriters to follow their chosen part of the copywriting field.

“I study at least one or two whitepapers every day,” says Gordon. “That means I look at 500 examples of the documents I specialize in every year. Doing any less would be foolish.”
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In the pre-Internet days I told direct response copywriters to open, read, and study every piece of direct mail they received. Doing so was better than getting an MBA in direct marketing. I still do it today.

Ideal length for whitepapers

Whitepaper guru Gordon Graham says the sweet spot for whitepapers is 6 to 8 pages of content. Add a front cover, contents page, and about the company and you’re up to a total document of 10 or 11 pages. But what about those who say that readers want much shorter white papers today?

“Many marketing people today want to achieve the impact of a great whitepaper, without making the investment to develop one, and without asking their prospects to deal with a substantial document,” says Gordon. “But I don’t believe there’s any shortcut.” Graham says that anything with less than 4-5 solid pages of content is hard to call a “whitepaper” because there just isn’t the space to develop much of an argument. He adds, “The trouble with a 2-3 pager is that it almost always becomes a brochure or data sheet, without much capacity for reframing an issue, redrawing a market space, or helping a business person understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.
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“To me that’s the real definition of a whitepaper. So I’d say for sure, cut the flab and make your whitepapers as concise as possible. But don’t think 3 pages is going to do the same job as 6 or 8.”