Here’s why you should start a $9/month club.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen one of those $9/mth membership programs out there but as an online membership business model, it is getting very popular and effective.

Here’s why you should consider starting your own $9/mth membership site:

1. The price point is an easy ‘yes’ for people, so you don’t have to burn yourself out getting sign-ups.

2. You get to deliver valuable content to your members without spending hours and hours every month creating it (like you would for a higher priced program). You could provide something as simple as a one-page template.

3. People stay longer because it’s only 9 bucks, and when they get so much value at that price point, they’ll stick around. Whereas if you were charging $97/mth, that’s a price point that people will think about every single billing cycle and consider whether or not they want to cancel.

Here’s the thing: you can charge whatever you want. If you want to provide more content, or more access to you (via trainings and hot seat coaching for example), you can charge a higher price point and get it.

Low-Cost Monthly Club Creation Templates

No matter what price you want to charge, my friend Melissa Ingold’s “Low-Cost Monthly Club Creation Templates” package provides you with everything you’ll need to get going.

Here’s what’s inside:

✔️ Monthly Club Membership Planner – This step-by-step planner will help you map out your low-cost membership program, from deciding on deliverables to picking a price that honors your energy and your member’s wallets equally, plus loads more!

✔️ Monthly Club Ideas for Coaches, Product Creators, and Service Providers – The basis of any successful membership club is a rock-solid, desirable concept. So you’ll get 5 ideas for different styles of memberships, as well as examples of how to specifically adapt this to your area of expertise/what you do.

✔️ 6 Month Content Schedule Sample (for Coaches, Service Providers, and Product Creators) – You’ll get 3 different and highly-detailed 6-month sample content plans, so you are never scrambling last minute to create sizzling new content for your peeps (THIS is the secret to keeping things simple and keeping members wildly happy).

✔️ New Member Welcome E-Mail Sequence – These e-mail templates will help introduce new members to all the perks and get them hyper-engaged about your monthly club, right from the start.

✔️ Monthly Club Team Workflow – This workflow includes sample SOPs (standard operating procedures) you can implement right away to efficiently manage your membership and/or outsource any (or all) of it to your VA or team (they can practically run your membership FOR you when you pass these over).

✔️ Customizable Monthly Club Sales Page Template – You can fill in this template and use it right away to start selling your membership fast. Just input your unique membership details and voila—you’re ready to roll (in the dough!).

✔️ 7 Customizable Promotional E-Mails – These e-mail templates make it easy for you to launch and start attracting aligned, happy-to-pay members quickly.

✔️ 3 Customizable Affiliate E-Mails – You can send these e-mail templates straight to your affiliates so they can promote your new membership for you—and you both get paid!

✔️ Member Cancellation E-Mail Template – This template is eloquent, painless and easy-to-use. Just “plug-and-play” when a member decides to part ways, with zero sweat off your back.

✔️ Member Cancellation Offer Copy – Add this copy to a page that members see during the cancellation process to entice them to stick around even if you (and they) think their minds are already made up.

✔️ Membership Re-Activation Campaign E-Mails – Use these e-mails to tempt old members back into your membership with unimaginable ease. Just set up your campaign to automatically to send out these e-mails to cancelled members after they cancel.

✔️ High-Converting, Customizable Social Media Captions – These ready-to-go ideas have been designed to make promoting your membership on social a total snap (not to mention a lot of fun).

✔️ Instagram Reel Ideas – These reel ideas are both trendy and timeless, so selling and promoting your program and attracting enthusiastic new members is crazy-simple.

Grab these templates and you could easily have your own membership up and running in just a few days.