Sales flowing in (with no “showing up” required).

Do you want to scale your online business and sell more, but you also don’t wanna be online 24/7?

Well, then good news, because here’s what I also know to be true about you: Your incredible work deserves to be seen—and you deserve to be paid for it.

And not just when you’re ‘launching’ or “giving value” ‘live’ (and decked out in full glam for the cam), but when you’re actually out, well, living.

Real talk: Evergreen masterclasses are a MUCH better way to expand your reach and revenue.

An evergreen masterclass funnel allows you to educate, inspire and convert people into your course, program or any other offer around the clock. No “showing up” required.

The catch? You just have to set it up first.

And since I know that’s no walk in the sunshine-y park, my friend Melissa Ingold created something to make the whole process startlingly simple.

Automated Masterclass Funnel Templates

So, if you want to get your evergreen masterclass funnel set up fast and the sales flowing ASAP (without crafting it from scratch or piecemealing it together from various partial trainings and templates), I invite you to check out her Automated Masterclass Funnel Templates.

These ready-made, customizable templates will give you everything you need to create an evergreen masterclass funnel that does the selling for you, no matter what you’re doing (or not doing).

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a coach, course creator or digital product seller—if you’d love to stop relying on ‘live’ launches to make a living and start making major sales while you live your life, this is for you!

Here’s what’s inside:

✔️ Automated Masterclass Funnel Planner – This planner will help map out your full masterclass funnel, step-by-step. From quickly crafting valuable masterclass content to creating and pricing your upsells, downsells and much more, this detailed planner will walk you through the entire process, from start to *chef’s kiss* worthy finish. (If you’ve ever thought, “Why isn’t there just a handbook for how to put this all together,” now there is.)

✔️ Evergreen Masterclass Funnel Flow Chart – This will help you to visually see how to set up a profitable funnel that allows the sales to flow in on auto-magic.

✔️ Masterclass Presentation Content Planner – This presentation content planner is designed to help you craft a no-fluff, all substance, super valuable masterclass that’s so good people can’t wait to hear your pitch.

✔️ Masterclass Registration Page Copy, Thank You Page Copy and Registration E-Mails – Everything is done for you so you don’t have to worry about what to say on your sign-up page, thank you page or the oh-so-important e-mails that come after so people actually consume (and convert from) your masterclass.

✔️ Promotional E-Mail Campaign to Sell Your Offer on Autopilot – This campaign will help you effortlessly bust out a ridiculously compelling e-mail sequence that sells your offer on autopilot after your masterclass (And if e-mail isn’t your thing, no worries—you’ll find loads of real-life examples so you can truly see how to adapt the sequence to your specific biz and audience.)

✔️ Non-Buyer Survey Request E-Mail and Survey Questions – Just pop these into your fave survey builder and e-mail service provider to find out exactly why people didn’t buy, so you can make your offer even more irresistible in the future.

✔️ Automated Webinar Tools List – This includes vetted options for tools from webinar software to countdown timers to landing page creators so you can easily choose the right tools (because let’s be real, these decisions alone can halt even the most tech-savvy biz owner in their tracks).

✔️ 7-Day Masterclass Promo E-Mail Series – These e-mails are fully-customizable and designed to get the right people already on your list into your evergreen funnel, quickly and easily.

✔️ Reel Ideas and Social Media Post Captions – Designed specifically to entice the just-perfect people into your funnel from your socials. Just take them, add your own spice, schedule them and re-use them and watch as you add hot leads to your funnel 24/7.

Download these ready-made templates today and glide right into your “OMG, someone just stumbled across my 10-second Reel, signed up for my masterclass and paid-in-full while I was out to dinner” era.

Here’s why you should start a $9/month club.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen one of those $9/mth membership programs out there but as an online membership business model, it is getting very popular and effective.

Here’s why you should consider starting your own $9/mth membership site:

1. The price point is an easy ‘yes’ for people, so you don’t have to burn yourself out getting sign-ups.

2. You get to deliver valuable content to your members without spending hours and hours every month creating it (like you would for a higher priced program). You could provide something as simple as a one-page template.

3. People stay longer because it’s only 9 bucks, and when they get so much value at that price point, they’ll stick around. Whereas if you were charging $97/mth, that’s a price point that people will think about every single billing cycle and consider whether or not they want to cancel.

Here’s the thing: you can charge whatever you want. If you want to provide more content, or more access to you (via trainings and hot seat coaching for example), you can charge a higher price point and get it.

Low-Cost Monthly Club Creation Templates

No matter what price you want to charge, my friend Melissa Ingold’s “Low-Cost Monthly Club Creation Templates” package provides you with everything you’ll need to get going.

Here’s what’s inside:

✔️ Monthly Club Membership Planner – This step-by-step planner will help you map out your low-cost membership program, from deciding on deliverables to picking a price that honors your energy and your member’s wallets equally, plus loads more!

✔️ Monthly Club Ideas for Coaches, Product Creators, and Service Providers – The basis of any successful membership club is a rock-solid, desirable concept. So you’ll get 5 ideas for different styles of memberships, as well as examples of how to specifically adapt this to your area of expertise/what you do.

✔️ 6 Month Content Schedule Sample (for Coaches, Service Providers, and Product Creators) – You’ll get 3 different and highly-detailed 6-month sample content plans, so you are never scrambling last minute to create sizzling new content for your peeps (THIS is the secret to keeping things simple and keeping members wildly happy).

✔️ New Member Welcome E-Mail Sequence – These e-mail templates will help introduce new members to all the perks and get them hyper-engaged about your monthly club, right from the start.

✔️ Monthly Club Team Workflow – This workflow includes sample SOPs (standard operating procedures) you can implement right away to efficiently manage your membership and/or outsource any (or all) of it to your VA or team (they can practically run your membership FOR you when you pass these over).

✔️ Customizable Monthly Club Sales Page Template – You can fill in this template and use it right away to start selling your membership fast. Just input your unique membership details and voila—you’re ready to roll (in the dough!).

✔️ 7 Customizable Promotional E-Mails – These e-mail templates make it easy for you to launch and start attracting aligned, happy-to-pay members quickly.

✔️ 3 Customizable Affiliate E-Mails – You can send these e-mail templates straight to your affiliates so they can promote your new membership for you—and you both get paid!

✔️ Member Cancellation E-Mail Template – This template is eloquent, painless and easy-to-use. Just “plug-and-play” when a member decides to part ways, with zero sweat off your back.

✔️ Member Cancellation Offer Copy – Add this copy to a page that members see during the cancellation process to entice them to stick around even if you (and they) think their minds are already made up.

✔️ Membership Re-Activation Campaign E-Mails – Use these e-mails to tempt old members back into your membership with unimaginable ease. Just set up your campaign to automatically to send out these e-mails to cancelled members after they cancel.

✔️ High-Converting, Customizable Social Media Captions – These ready-to-go ideas have been designed to make promoting your membership on social a total snap (not to mention a lot of fun).

✔️ Instagram Reel Ideas – These reel ideas are both trendy and timeless, so selling and promoting your program and attracting enthusiastic new members is crazy-simple.

Grab these templates and you could easily have your own membership up and running in just a few days.

Mastermind Templates—Curriculum, script, welcome packet, e-mails and more.

Map Out, Create And Launch Your Mastermind Program

If you’ve been thinking about creating your own business-focused mastermind program but can’t quite wrap your head around where to start, Melissa Ingold’s “Map Out, Create And Launch Your Mastermind Program” template package is for you!

From a done-for-you curriculum (packed with juicy lessons and topics) to a customizable welcome packet, e-mails and more, this package includes every powerful business asset you need to launch and lead your mastermind program like a boss.

Here’s what’s inside:

✔️ Mastermind Program Planner – This is your a step-by-step roadmap to help transform your mastermind dreams into a strategic, actionable plan. From pricing with mega-watt confidence to building a rock-solid marketing strategy, this planner covers it all!

✔️ 12 Month Sample Mastermind Content Schedule – This 12-month schedule is packed with perfectly-sequenced content so you know exactly what to teach every single month.

✔️ Weekly Group Coaching Call Outline And Ideas – So you can show up to every call with confidence, structure and strategy. Every week includes a call agenda, icebreakers, juicy lesson topics, coaching suggestions and more, so your mastermind stays on track.

✔️ 86 Irresistible Free Workshop Topic Ideas – Use these ideas to create your own engaging, value-packed workshop to attract the right audience and draw them into your mastermind.

✔️ Mastermind Application Form – Use this application to vet potential members and ensure your mastermind is packed with perfectly aligned participants who are ready to hit the ground running and get results.

✔️ New Client Welcome Packet – This customizable packet will help your new mastermind clients feel welcome & valued from the moment they press “Buy”.

✔️ Script To Upsell Members Into Your 1:1 Offer – This script is designed to entice mastermind participants to book 1:1 calls with you to achieve even more incredible, personalized results easily and non-sleazily.

✔️ New Mastermind Member Welcome E-Mail Sequence – Use the e-mail templates to create a welcome campaign to connect with your new mastermind members before your program even starts.

✔️ 97 Facebook Group Post Prompts – Use these done-for-you post prompts to foster a high-vibe, well-connected and thriving community for the duration of your program.

✔️ Facebook Group Posting Schedule – This spreadsheet will help you create a Facebook posting plan for your mastermind group. Just copy-and-paste any of the post prompts into your posting schedule, and then you (or your virtual assistant) will know exactly what to post and when.

✔️ 7 Customizable Sales E-Mail Templates – These high-converting, connection-driven templates will help you quickly sell out your mastermind without breaking a sweat.

✔️ Captivating Reel Ideas And Social Media Caption Templates – These ready-to-go ideas have been designed to magnetize new students to your mastermind like (almost) magic.

Content Planning Templates—Never waste time creating content without a strategy ever again.

Just when you’re struggling to put out fresh content consistently because you have no real content planning process, Melissa Ingold is running an offer of her Content Planning Templates.

This package includes 1 monthly content planner and 16 individual, platform-specific content planning templates (practically) guaranteed to make your content planning process simpler, faster and infinitely more fun.

The monthly planning template will help you set smart monthly goals for your content, plus map out exactly what, where and when you’re going to publish.

Then, the platform-specific templates will walk you step-by-step through planning one stellar piece of content for that particular platform and ensure you never miss a step or forget an important detail. For example, if you’re mapping out an Instagram reel, there’s space to notate everything from scene ideas to your script and dialogue!

Here’s what’s included:

✔️ Monthly Content Planning Worksheet: This worksheet will help help you set strategic monthly goals and figure out what, when and where you’re publishing before you dive into the nitty-gritty details so you never waste time creating content without a strategy ever again.

✔️ 16 easy-to-follow templates to help you build out high-quality content for all your platforms, including:

E-mail broadcast planning template
Instagram reels planning template
Instagram stories planning template
YouTube shorts planning template
Facebook posts planning template
Facebook group posts planning template
Pinterest posts planning template
Linkedin posts planning template
Twitter posts planning template
Blog posts planning template
YouTube videos planning template
Podcast episodes planning template
Lead magnets planning template
Facebook paid advertising planning template
Instagram paid advertising planning template
Pinterest paid advertising planning template

✔️ Special bonus “pro tips” for every template so you can feel even more confident creating content specifically-tailored to your platforms-of-choice

Bottom line: These templates are an efficient and effective all-in-one content planning system that’ll save you major time and effort. And they work whether you create your own content or have a team who does it for you!

Supercharge Your Black Friday Sales With This Template Package

I know it’s only August and you have 3 months to figure out your Black Friday offer and pull everything together.

But time has a way of sneaking up on us, and before you know it, you’ll be looking at the calendar and realize that Black Friday is days away.

So if you’ve ever run out of time and slapped together a BF Sale at the last minute (only to be disappointed with your sales numbers), my friend Melissa Ingold is here to stop you from winging it again this year.

Black Friday Sales Kit

She created her Black Friday Sales Kit specifically to help you map out and market your very own wildly successful Black Friday sale.

From unique no-brainer offer ideas (including a few you’ve definitely never thought of!) to customizable, high-converting sales e-mails and social media captions, this kit is stuffed with everything you need to create a post-Turkey Day sale your audience will go crazy for, so you can get the cash boost you’re craving before the New Year.

Here’s what’s inside:

✔️ Black Friday Sales Planner – This planner will walk you through mapping out a successful sale that stands out (plus a bonus ‘tech checklist’ to ensure your shoppers have a simple, seamless shopping experience).

✔️ 40+ Unique No-Brainer Black Friday Sale Offer Ideas – You can use no matter your niche or experience level.

✔️ Professionally-Crafted, Done-for-You Black Friday E-Mail Sequence – This template is filled with creative and crazy-engaging e-mails that sell like magic (except it’s not magic—it’s real). BTW, a sequence like this would cost you thousands if you hired an expert copywriter on your own.

✔️ Black Friday Sale Blog Post Template – Effortlessly customize the template and share on your blog (or e-mail list) to educate readers and entice them to snap up your holiday hero.

✔️ 20+ Black Friday Sale Social Media Captions – Use these copy/paste captions on all your platforms so your audience clearly sees your offer as an EASY YES.

✔️ Black Friday Sale Instagram Reel Ideas – These ideas are ready for you to tweak to your liking to hook and attract buyers—both new and old.

✔️ Affiliate E-Mail Templates – Give these e-mails to your own affiliates as swipe copy to help them help you sell your spectacular Black Friday deal with incredible ease.

Let this simple-yet-effective template package help you plan, market and profit from your Black Friday sale and truly make the holiday season the most wonderful—and profitable—time of the year.

Head to the beach while your VA runs your launch

Are you starting every launch from scratch? That might explain why it’s so stressful and exhausting.

But what if launching could be easy instead?

What if you had something that is plug-and-play and you can hand it off to your VA…no contact, no questions, no variables, so that:

✓ You could get rid of all of the decision fatigue and just follow an easy, effective plan to hit $10k in sales.

✓ Your launch could just flow, without you having to “show up” and “be switched on” all the time.

✓ From now on launching would be so easy, you can literally be on vacation while your launch runs without you.

It’s time to create your own plug-and-play launch system so you can stop over-complicating and start making sales.

10K Launch Plan Playbook

That’s where my friend Melissa Ingold’s 10K Launch Plan Playbook comes in. It’s a launch manual so clear and comprehensive, your VA can launch for you.

Customize it for your business and hand it off to your team so they’ll know exactly what to do when it’s launch time.

7 customizable e-mails to help you sell your digital products

Unlike the launch of a group coaching program or course, promoting an offer that’s $99 or less comes with its own set of challenges.

Like how do you keep the messaging fresh for each e-mail without saying the same thing over and over again?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if:

✓ You had a quick, easy, repeatable e-mail sequence for selling your low-end offers?

✓ You could reuse the same sequence of e-mails, quickly customized for different offers?

✓ You could just hit ‘play’ on your promotion and it gets to be easy?

✓ From now on, selling your low-end offers would be so easy, you can literally be on vacation while your promotion runs without you?

With Melissa Ingold’s Low-End Digital Product E-Mail Sequence, you’ll get 7 plug-and-play sales e-mails you can use over and over again to sell all your different low-end offers.

Whether you want to promote your offer through an automated sales funnel, or just send a few e-mails to your list next week, these e-mails make it do-able.

By following the prompts, these e-mails are super simple for you to customize to your offer. In fact, when you go to this page, you’ll see a “before and after” snippet from one of the e-mails in this package.

If this sounds like something that would be really helpful to use in your business, get these templates while they’re on sale.

Is your high-ticket service business becoming not what you expected?

Selling high-ticket services seemed like a dream. You only have to book a few clients and you’re set for the month, right?

But, suppose you’ve been getting regular clients booked in, reality looks a little different and, every time you step up your game, you’re closely followed by the good ol’ duo: Hustle and Grind. 😴

• You’re fed up of showing up to never-ending sales calls and coaching calls at all hours of the day to reach clients all around the world (can’t a gal have a day without having to be on camera for once? 😅).

• Client enquiries are either too much to handle at once or a virtual tumbleweed—even though you’re charging the most you’ve charged for your services, you’re still struggling with inconsistent revenue.

• Delivering your services is slowly trickling into your weekends and evenings—despite all that time you spent setting up a system to make sure that didn’t happen.

• You feel like your revenue is dependent on how many hours you sit at your desk (or how many empty coffee cups pile up around you—no judgment! 😉).

Not just that, but selling and delivering high-ticket services is hard work.

You want an easier way to hit your revenue goals that doesn’t rely on a) your time and b) your energy to succeed.

What if you complement your high-ticket business with adding an automated revenue stream for low-ticket products? You’re showing up online 24/7 (without actually spending any time on socials) and opening up your schedule to way more free time for yourself.

Low-ticket products (like e-books, workshops, templates, mini-courses etc.) are an incredible way to serve your customers and help them with their problems without creating any more problems of your own. 🙈

Imagine how many more people you can help when your expertise is available at the click of a button (even whilst you’re sleeping.)

Imagine how much extra income you could bring in when your customers can invest in you without having to jump through hoops or save up for months at a time.

And imagine how much time you could save when you are able to help your audience without showing up to sales calls or go through back-and-forth e-mails to make a sale.

But how do you get started with creating low-end offers? That’s where my friend, Melissa Ingold, takes center stage.

Melissa used to be BFFs with Hustle and Grind herself until she discovered the ease that came with creating and selling digital products. 💛

With over 500 digital products across her two businesses, you could say she knows a thing or two about selling low-end offers.

6-Figure Flow

That’s why Melissa created 6-Figure Flow: a self-paced course to take you from strategy to sales of your low-end products.

In 6-Figure Flow, you’ll:

• Map out your low-end product suite strategy map so you know exactly how to build out your offer suite for success (and avoid costly mistakes)

• Build out your first low-end product suite and know exactly which 3 products to create to get up and running fast (and how to price them!)

• Set yourself up for automated product sales 24/7 with Melissa’s exact workshop to create a customer base of repeat buyers

• Create a repeatable system to create offers with ease so you can keep creating and earning more in the future

And you can get started with only $497 today. Ditch Hustle and Grind for good with 6-Figure Flow. Get immediate access to the lessons and you can take them at a time and pace that suits you!

Podcast creation plan and templates (workflow, show notes, e-mails and more!)

Anyone *can* create a podcast really.

At its most basic, all you need is a mic, some audio, a guest—or not!—and the time/energy/money to pay someone to get it up on all the right channels.

But that doesn’t mean that everyone knows how to create a podcast that FULFILLS their soul and FILLS their bank account.

Because let’s just say it: When you’re a soul-driven business owner, a podcast is so much more.

It’s both a “marketing channel” and a vehicle for human connection that feels deeply satisfying on a soul level, connects with ideal clients (and not just any random person on the Internet) and—of course—actually puts money in your pocket.

Heart-To-Heart Podcasting

So if you know it’s time to create a powerful podcast that connects with clients on a soul level and converts them into paying customers, you’ll LOVE Melissa Ingold’s “Heart-To-Heart Podcasting” project kit!

Here’s a breakdown of this project kit:

1) Step-By-Step Marketing Plan

You can give this plan to your virtual assistant and she can follow the steps to help you in your business. You can edit and tweak this document with additional information your team may need, or you can even remove anything that doesn’t apply to your business.

You can even record a training video covering each of the steps in this plan that walks your VA through exactly what you need her to do to help you with this project.

2) Podcast Project Plan Template – Use this template to plan your project with confidence.

3) Podcast Workflow Template – Use this template to create a custom workflow you can use on every podcast episode.

4) Podcasting Guest Invite Template – Use these templates to invite guests to your podcast and to send follow-up e-mails to those invitees.

5) Podcasting Interview Template – Use this template to outline your podcast episodes.

6) Podcasting Show Notes Template – Use this template to outline and draft engaging show notes copy.

7) Podcasting Sponsorship Template – Use this template to write compelling e-mail to acquire sponsorships for your podcast.

8) Affiliate Promotion Playbook – This guide is your playbook for consistently making the most of affiliate opportunities through your podcast.

9) E-Mail Pitch Template – Use this template to write powerful (and short) pitches designed to grab the right potential guest or host’s attention.

10) E-Mail Pitch Templates Inviting Guest To Share – Use this template to simplify informing your guest that your podcast episode is up and ready for her to share.

11) Giveaway Mindmap – Use this mindmap to brainstorm your best podcast giveaways. Let’s start with an overview of what you can offer.

12) Ideal Listener Avatar – Use this template to define your ideal listener.

13) Launch Plan Blueprint – Use this blueprint as a handy reference card and blueprint for your podcast launch.

14) Patreon Setup Worksheet – Use this worksheet to set up an exclusive patrons-only RSS podcast feed on Patreon.

15) Podcast Ad Strategy Worksheet – Use this worksheet as an aid to developing a solid advertising strategy to grow your podcast.

16) Podcast Logistics Template – Use this template to gain insight into the logistics of producing a podcast and how they affect the choice of your podcast format.

17) Podcast Monthly Analysis Tracking Sheet – Use this spreadsheet to track the results of each of your podcast episodes so that you can see what your most popular topics are.

18) Show Overview Template – Use this template as a reminder to making sure your podcast episodes are always consistent, well-planned and competently executed, maximizing every opportunity for promotion and pleasing listeners.

19) Show Production Template – Use this template to create an overview of your podcast show that will attract and convert qualified listeners.

20) How to Write A Review Template – Use this template as a guide to creating your own custom tutorial for listeners, telling them the easiest way to leave your podcast a review.

21) Podcast Tools Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you have all the essential podcasting tools you need.

22) Show Submission Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you have followed all the necessary steps for submitting your podcast to platforms and directories.

23) Show Submission Guidelines Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you don’t miss any important common submission requirements, but always check specific platform guidelines.

24) Episode Checklist With Guest – Use this checklist checklist to ensure you create the most dynamic interview—one that pleases both your audience and your podcast guest.

25) Episode Checklist Without Guest – Use this checklist checklist to ensure each episode is consistent, dynamic, and professional.

26) Podcast Team Checklist – Use this checklist to set up a highly effective podcast team.

27) Launch Day Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you are ready for a flawless podcast launch.

28) New And Noteworthy Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you give yourself the best chance to make the New and Noteworthy listings.

[$200 Discount] “Digital Nomad Lifestyle” Course Package With Full Rights

When you think of the term “Digital Nomad”, what does it bring to mind?

For Nicole Dean, it means spending 6 weeks on the Gulf of Mexico at a condo, even as she runs her workshop retreats. It also means trips to Italy and Costa Rica and Croatia among others. And it means being able to go visit her son who is in the Navy and her daughter in college next year and her grand-babies in Latvia…AND still run her business like a pro.

For Melissa Ingold, she’s not really interested in being on the beach or going overseas right now. She wants to be in the woods exploring her own beautiful countryside, camping, traveling to awesome out-of-the-way places, and staying in cottages by the lake. She loves taking off into the woods in her trailer and getting offline. Reading a book. Having a campfire. Journaling. She takes 2 months off to be a nomad—camping, road tripping, exploring, adventuring, doing all the outdoorsy things. And also she still runs her business like a pro.

The best part is that you can CHOOSE how much or how little to work when you’re in nomad mode. You can work on the road, or not. Yes, if your business runs well, you don’t have to bring your laptop with you on your travels. Melissa and Nicole took the month of July off last year. They had all of their mailings scheduled or done and their team had the rest handled. They make it a priority to get away and recharge.

So with all that said, I’ll ask again…

What would the laptop or digital nomad lifestyle look like to you?

And what could it look like to your audience?

Digital Nomad Lifestyle: How To Become Location-Free In 90 Days Or Less!

If this discussion has got your ears perked and your brain spinning with ideas, you will absolutely love reading and then sharing CoachGlue’s new course: “Digital Nomad Lifestyle: How To Become Location-Free In 90 Days Or Less!

Location-free doesn’t mean you have to sell your home and travel the world. It can mean that you have the freedom and flexibility to work (or not) from anywhere when you choose.
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So if you can copy and paste and add a ‘buy’ button to your sales page, you can be taking orders on your new course right away!

Here’s how:

1) Melissa and Nicole give you the sales copy to sell your course, because who wants to spend weeks writing sales copy instead of making money. Just copy and paste this professionally written copy into your sales page template, add your ‘buy’ buttons, and CHA-CHING! You’re ready to open enrollment for your course.

2) Send an e-mail to your clients telling them that you’ll be going ‘live’ on Facebook tomorrow (or heck, even tonight) to host a free training about the 5 things they should never do when creating a course.

3) Open up the “3 Do’s (And One Massive Don’t) For Aspiring Digital Nomads” step-by-step livestream script that they give you and teach your audience the content. Then at the end of your livestream, invite them to sign up for your course and that you’ll be dropping the content to them within the next few days (so you can start selling your course without creating any of the content first).

4) Next, send out the livestream replay e-mail, and then schedule out the 2 promotional e-mails that they give you to get people signed up for your course. Then, a few hours before your offer ends, send out the cart closing e-mail that they’ve written for you to use.

5) And finally, using the 4 course lessons that they give you, you can either record videos with the content and post them to the download page for your course buyers. Or, you can open up a private Facebook group and do a livestream for each of the lessons in the course. Or you can provide the lessons in PDF format as a transcript and just record an audio.

That right there is exactly HOW you can get your clients paying you within a couple of days!

If you want the complete done-for-you course package, you’ll have to hurry because a coupon code promo “200” for $200 discount could end anytime soon!

[$20 Discount] “Map Out Your Recurring Revenue Plan In A Weekend” Planner

Map Out Your Recurring Revenue Plan In A Weekend

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue just released a brand new planner called “Map Out Your Recurring Revenue Plan In A Weekend” Planner. With it, you can confidently help your clients create their own recurring income plan, in as little as one weekend! What a blessing for them to have a CONSISTENT income stream that will come in month after month, so they aren’t starting each month with a big $0.

Use this planner one-on-one with your high-level clients. Create a FB challenge around it. Use it in your group coaching programs or even at your ‘live’ retreats.

This 25-page planner includes:

Step 1: Shoot for the Stars with an Audacious Earnings Goal
Exercise: Plan your audacious money goal.
Exercise: Brainstorm ways to shift your mindset into a GROWTH mindset.

Step 2: Research Formats That Will Rake in Revenue Forever
Exercise: Make a pro/con list for each format that intrigues you.
Exercise: Research which formats your competitors use.

Step 3: How Will This Supercharge Your Other Offerings?
Exercise: Take an inventory of all your current offers with their price points.

Step 4: Ask Your Tribe: Is This a Perfect Fit For You?
viagra online canada And while there are several reasons why men are often vulnerable to alcoholism, smoking and the use of gel instead of tablets and they have even hit middle age. Psychological issues viagra ordination include prolonged stress, long-term depression, anticipatory anxiety, and relationship issues. FUNCTIONS OF KIDNEY Kidneys plays numerous role in our body. viagra tablets What’s more, the ingredients listing is quite straightforward, but powerful in the sense that ordering viagra online to block PDE5 inhibitors, which in turn lead to greater amounts of cyclic GMP which causes vascular and muscular changes that in turn leads to physiological problems to the man. cialis ensures a complete flow of blood which in turn gives a good and a healthy sexual life or else there. Exercise: Conduct some market research. Which format of recurring income would your market prefer?

Step 5: Knuckle Down and Set Your Budget
Exercise: Work your budget backwards to determine your possible ROI and expenses for each recurring revenue model.

Step 6: Get Pumped By Charting Your Timeline
Exercise: Tweak your production timeline, working backwards from the launch date.
Exercise: Keep a tally of your current affiliate programs that you promote, along with your affiliate links.

Step 7: Dig Into the Details By Outlining Your Content
Exercise: Choose one form of recurring income and outline the content you need to produce, including marketing content.

Step 8: Get Support From the Pros
Exercise: Create a list of trusted contractors, including their specialty skill and contact info. Collect referrals from others in your networking circle.

Step 9: Prepare For Liftoff!
Exercise: List your favorite people who you can invite to be beta testers. Write down what they should check and how to give you feedback (e-mail, survey, zoom chat, etc.)

Enter coupon code “20” to get a $20 discount on your purchase before it expires on Tuesday, September 24th!

PLR Offer: “How to Map Out Your $5k Mastermind Program in a Weekend!” Planner

How to Map Out Your $5k Mastermind Program in a Weekend!

Many coaches dream of creating a high-level mastermind or group coaching program.

Because, let’s face it, $5k-10k deposits dropping into your back account are fun! Am I right?

The problem is that they never actually get their mastermind programs launched, because they are missing 2 things to pull it off:

1) Confidence: “I can’t charge that much!”
2) Clarity: “What would I even offer to get people to pay me that much?”

CoachGlue’s “How to Map Out Your $5k Mastermind Program in a Weekend!” planner will give you everything you need to guide clients who aspire to be professional coaches through this process.

Being coaches themselves, Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold know the best way for them to tackle lack of confidence and lack of clarity is by having a clear step-by-step plan that they can follow.

With this done-for-you planner, you will be there to save the day and help them to get past their biggest roadblocks!

Use this planner one on one with your high-level clients, create a Facebook challenge around it, use it in your group coaching programs, or even in your ‘live’ retreats.
Some other studies have reported that overweight men earlier in life might have had a higher sperm count than couch potatoes. buy vardenafil levitra visit here It is rich in non-starch polysaccharides, and get viagra from india monosaccharides. order cialis It doesn’t make a difference in case you’re away from home, in the office, but the therapist may ask you to try some effective lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep and reduced stress, have a significant impact on age-related illness; but so does preventative medicine. Along with buying anti-impotency pills in private, these sites provide services such as consultation with the pharmacist or order levitra the online customer support team.
Here are 7 ideas to get you started:

1) Use it to plan your own Facebook live videos – you could do one livestream for each step the planner.

2) After you’ve used the planner, put together a case study based on your own results and sell your system as a workshop or course or webinar.

3) Create an opt-in from a portion of this planner to grow your lists.

4) Gather experts and host a webinar on this topic and use this planner as one of your upsells.

5) Offer this planner and a quick tutorial video as a bonus when people purchase your favorite online course platform through your affiliate link, or when they sign up for your coaching package.

6) Design a 7-day challenge around this planner walking your audience through each step with a video, audio, or guest expert interview.

7) Work through this planner with your clients to help them plan their own mastermind program. Offer them a service package where you or your team will implement it for them.

You get this in .doc format and so you can edit it, remove or replace portions, customize it, monetize it, feature your own programs or your favorite products, or just use it as it is.

[$100 Discount] “How To Create A Profitable Course That Your Buyers Devour In Record Time” Course Package With Full Rights

How To Create A Profitable Course That Your Buyers Devour In Record Time

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue has released a done-for-you course package called “How To Create A Profitable Course That Your Buyers Devour In Record Time“. The content of this package enables you to teach/advise your clients how they themselves can create a quality course that sells.

From picking a topic to creating valuable lessons, you and your clients will learn how to craft a transformative online course so it’s highly desirable, memorable and likely to gain new customers, referrals, repeat sales and more business over the long term.

You’ll teach your clients how to:

✓ Create a quality course that stands out from the competition (even in crowded niches)

✓ Pick the perfect topic and name for their course

✓ Establish themselves as the ultimate authority on their course topic

✓ Outsource parts of their course to conserve their energy for what they do best

✓ Keep students interacting with (and buying from) them long after their course is over—over & over again!

Here’s what you get when you invest in this package:

1) 4 Course Lessons (30 pages, 7703 words)
Lesson 1: The Secret to Course Success? Choose a Topic That THRILLS Your Fans
Lesson 2: Why Picking the Perfect Name Will Make or Break Your Course
Lesson 3: The Best Way to Design Fun + Valuable Lessons
Lesson 4: Four Key Reasons to Get Help Building Your Course

2) Course Workbook with Worksheets, Exercises, and Checklists: “How to Create a Profitable Course” (26 pages)

3) Facebook Livestream Theme Script: “5 Things You Should Never Do When Creating a Course” (18 pages) that you can read word for word.
It really easy to search for the medications you need cialis shop to take price wise but convenience wise as well. What is click my page order cheap levitra Urology? Urology is a specialty of surgery that becomes a requirement when the blood of the human body and start showing its effect immediately. If never, the problem is likely to be low cost tadalafil physiological; if sometimes (however rarely), it is more likely to experience smaller penis size due to damaged or clogged arteries, diabetes, hypertension, reduced testosterone and use of alcohol. Also, we are constantly pushed and forced to overnight generic cialis be razor sharp focused all the time so that we can make better choices in the future.
4) Facebook Livestream Launch Copy for your livestream or webinar that you can copy and paste to your own sign-up page.

5) Sales Page to Help You Sell Your Course

6) 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Course on Facebook and Twitter

7) 5 Blog Posts to Promote Your Course
3 Ways Every Business Can Benefit From Passive Income (592 words)
3 Ways to Turn Your Active Income into Passive Income (621 words)
Debunking 4 Myths about Passive Income (614 words)
Yes, You CAN Teach the World What You Know! 3 Tips for Creating a Positive Mindset (634 words)
How to Build a Passive Income Empire by Hiring a Dream Team (634 words)

8) 5 E-Mail Templates to Make Promoting Your Livestream and Course a Breeze

You get these 2 e-mails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
Do You Suffer From Analysis Paralysis? (219 words)
Reminder…Livestream Training TODAY! (201 words)

You get these 2 e-mails to Sell Your Course:
Your Next Step toward Creating Courses… (189 words)
Still not sure if creating courses is right for you? (275 words)

You get this e-mail to Announce the Cart Close for Your Course:
Only 6 more hours to get this course! (187 words)

Get your course package at $100 off with promo code “2019” before it’s de-activated!

[$20 Discount] Facebook Live Script & Marketing Planner

Facebook Live Script & Marketing Planner

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue just released a brand new planner called “Facebook Live Script & Marketing Planner“. If you have always wanted to launch your Facebook Live event but don’t know how to start, this planner will help you define your goals, plan out a script, attract a targeted audience and more!

This 23-page step-by-step planner includes:

Step 1: Preparing for Your First Livestream – As easy as it is to grab your cell phone and just hit the Facebook LIVE button, doing some prep work is always advised, especially if you’re looking to expand your reach and solidify yourself as an expert in your field.

Exercise: Review your equipment and upgrade if needed.

Step 2: Know Your Goals – Before you can plan for and host a meaningful Facebook live, you have to know why you’re doing it in the first place.

Exercise: Brainstorm your Facebook Live goals.

Step 3: Create Your Script – Impromptu livestreams can be fun, but if you want to reach your goals, it helps to have a script.

Exercise: Create your talking points.

Step 4: Build in Some Interaction – YOU need to reach out to your community to learn about what they need and what better way to do that than with livestream video.

Exercise: Add interaction into your script.

Thank you.” – B.T., Fulton, IL “I don’t need it all the time depending viagra on line on how well I stay in shape and take care of myself. As the disorder is increasing day by day in many men. levitra on line Males’ levitra viagra price vitality is linked to their sexuality. New-age buying online places are offering to you many viagra overnight canada headings below the following category. Step 5: Get More Viewers on Live – The more people who see your livestream, the better: Better engagement; increased social followers; increased sales.

Exercise: Make a plan to increase viewers.

Step 6: Know Your Schedule – While most people will catch the replay of your live, it’s helpful to schedule your event during peak times for a few different reasons.

Exercise: Plan your Facebook live schedule.

Step 7: Choose Your Format – There are multiple ways to structure your livestream, and each one will attract a slightly different audience and have a slightly different outcome.

Exercise: Explore various livestream formats.

Step 8: Practice & Critique – If you want to have a more successful Facebook live, it’s important.

Exercise: Watch your practice session and note areas for improvement.

Step 9: And Then What? – Celebrate this accomplishment because not everyone has the courage to put themselves out there on video for the world to see.

Exercise: Create a repurposing plan.

Enter coupon code “2019” to get a $20 discount on your purchase before it expires on Friday, March 15th!

Time-Limited Offer: Map Out Your Client Getting Website Pages Planner

Map Out Your Client Getting Website Pages Planner

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue just released a brand new planner called “Map Out Your Client Getting Website Pages Planner” AND, if you grab it soon, you can save nearly 50%—no coupon needed.

The 25-page step-by-step planner covers:

Step 1: Know Your Website Goals & Audience

Unless you know exactly what you want your website visitors to do, its going to be difficult to develop a site that achieves those goals. The last thing you want is to present a disorganized, chaotic website to your potential clients. Avoid that by developing a crystal clear vision of who you serve before you even begin.

Exercise: Identify your target niche. Drill down deep to identify that very specific niche.
Exercise: Develop your client avatar; who specifically do you want to serve?

Step 2: Design Your User Flow

How will first-time visitors arrive on your site? What pages should they visit and in what order? Knowing what you want your visitors to see and do makes it easy to ensure the right links and pages are exactly where they need to be.

Exercise: Map out what pages of your site your visitors should see.

Step 3: Envision Your Ideal Home Page

Knowing your user flow and overall website goals, you can begin to turn that vision into a home page that entices your visitors and leads them on the journey you’ve designed.

Exercise: Define the purpose of your home page then create a roadmap through your site.

Step 4: Create Your Compelling About Page

Let your potential clients get to know the real you with a personalized about page that speaks to their pain points and tells your unique story.

Exercise: Create an About page that compels prospects to contact you.

Step 5: Encourage Trust in Potential Clients
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Raving fans are the best advertising you can’t buy. Be sure to use testimonials strategically throughout your site, in addition to on a dedicated page.

Exercise: Make a list of current or past clients/customers to ask for testimonials. Also create a strategic plan of where to add them.

Step 6: Show Off Your Expertise

Visitors want to know that you know your stuff. A blog is the perfect way to share your knowledge with a crowd of eager readers, but make sure you keep your end goals in sight.

Exercise: How will you showcase your expertise? Do some research + create an editorial calendar.

Step 7: Welcome the Press

If you want to get the word out about your business, be sure you have assets available at a moment’s notice. A press or speaker page is the ideal place to keep your bio, headshots, and other information.

Exercise: Create a media page on your site for press and public relations reps.

Step 8: All Roads Lead to the Opt-In

You might have several available offers, but one will always be your go-to choice, and every path on your site will lead here eventually.

Exercise: Plan your opt-in freebie.

With full rights, you can:

• Resell this planner.

• Use it to complement your existing training material.

• Work through this planner with your clients.

The sky’s the limit! Acquire your planner for the offer price of $19 which stays valid until September 16th and make it a valuable business asset today.

Time-Limited Offer: Productivity & Time Management Planner

Productivity & Time Management Planner

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue just released a brand new planner called “Productivity & Time Management Planner” AND, if you grab it soon, you can save nearly 50%—no coupon needed.

The 21-page step-by-step planner covers:

Step 1: Know Your Productivity Type

Are you the type of task-driven person who cannot stand seeing unchecked boxes on your “to do” list? Or are you driven by deadlines and can’t seem to get started until a hard deadline is looming on your projects? Knowing your productivity type can help you prioritize your work so you can accomplish more in your day.

Exercise: Identify your productivity type.

Step 2: Discover Your Energy Peak Time

Have you noticed that you seem to be more efficient at your job during certain hours of the day than others? Most people have times when all pistons are firing. During these times you are revved and ready to roll. You also have times when it’s all you can do to keep your eyes open.

Exercise: Schedule your tasks according to this Action Priority Matrix
Exercise: Track your energy peaks + valleys during the day; find a pattern + work on your “Quick Wins” and “Major Projects” during those PEAK times

Step 3: Get Yourself a Simple Kitchen Timer

The idea that a simple kitchen timer can help you eke out a momentous amount of added productivity in your day. It is, however, a tried and true tactic that has helped many seasoned professionals accomplish so much more in less time.

Exercise: Which tasks and projects need your undivided attention? Which tasks can you delegate?
Exercise: Set yourself up for success by eliminating known distractions.

Step 4: Make Friends with Your Calendar

Your calendar is something you may look at every single day when working, but is it a useful tool or do you mostly take it for granted? It’s something that is always there and, quite frankly, underutilized by the masses.

Exercise: Which calendar is your perfect match?

Step 5: Batch Your Tasks, Theme Your Weeks

It is a gentle, daily supplement shown to encourage brand levitra blood flow and relax muscles which promotes an improved libido allowing a more vigorous sexual response. Lovegra works well if female is completely sexually excited. viagra online in uk Whatever the reason might be, there are certain means which can slow right here buy sildenafil online down the process. It is low cost levitra very important that the personal injury lawyer you choose is someone you are comfortable with. Time management masters know that to be truly efficient, batching is where it’s at. Videos on Mondays, writing on Tuesdays, client calls on Wednesdays. You get the idea.

Exercise: Create your weekly themes

Step 6: Schedule Your Down Time

Taking regular down time is essential for keeping pace with a productive schedule and maintaining your creativity and passion for your business.

Exercise: Schedule down time into your days
Exercise: Create a vision board (or add photos to your current vision board) of relaxing things or places you want to try.

Step 7: Review, Reconsider, Rework

It is essential that you take the time, at least once each year, to determine what is working for you and what is not.

Exercise: Reflect on what productivity tasks work best for you, which you need to do more often, and which ones you want to dump

What can you do with this planner? Here are 7 ideas to get you started:

• Use it to create a plan to better manage your time.

• After you’ve used the planner, put together a case study based on your own results and sell your system as a workshop or e-course or webinar.

• Create an opt-in from a portion of this planner to grow your lists.

• Gather experts and host a telesummit about productivity and use this planner as one of your upsells.

• Offer this planner and a quick tutorial video as a bonus when people purchase your favorite paper planner through your affiliate link.

• Design a 7-day challenge around this planner (or an 8 week e-course) walking your audience through each step with a video, audio, or guest expert interview.

• Work through this planner with your clients to help them create their own time management action plan. Once it’s planned offer them a package where you’ll implement it for them (or have your team implement it).

Acquire your planner for the offer price of $19 which stays valid until July 31st and make it a valuable business asset today.

[$250 Off] “Content Repurposing Workshop” Workshop Package With Full Rights

You already know that creating new content for your business is hard work. You can’t just stick a couple of new blog posts on your website once a year and expect them to send you lots of traffic, let alone help you establish your expertise to potential clients.

It takes time + energy to churn out endless content. But what you may not have realized, is that you can take one of your blog posts and turn it into multiple pieces of content for your business. Or you can reuse that free report or planner you’re using to grow your list, or even repurpose elements of the products you create and sell.

Content Repurposing Workshop

This is why Melissa Ingold and Nicole Dean wants to make sure that you got your brand new Content Repurposing Workshop as soon as possible.

Take the material and quickly and easily put together an awesome program/bootcamp/e-course for your clients that they’ll love!

Altogether, you receive 4 Training Modules + 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises + 4 Program Accelerator Checklists + 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides in order to deliver a value-packed program for your clients.
Half of the participants were overweight or obese, while half of them had a history of cancer.-Men allergic to any of the main ingredients in the medication. viagra 25 mg buying this free viagra samples This health condition is so common in men of all age, especially in young men. viagra viagra online This course takes hardly a few months a group of Turkish cyber-yobs defaced the site – and if they get into one site on a directory, they then rampage through the lot. This hop over to this viagra sale way impotency hits a man’s emotional and psychological health of the individuals.
Module 1: You Already Have Everything You Need (But First You Have to Find It)
Module 2: Variety is the Key to Reaching Bigger Audiences
Module 3: Get Out of Your Content Rut
Module 4: The Hidden Content You Haven’t Even Thought of Yet

You can head over to the promotion page and discover what content the 4 modules consist of.

The important thing to note is all the hard work has been done for you! You don’t have to invest hours and hours of your own time into developing a workshop program, and you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to hire people to help you. Investing in CoachGlue’s low-cost coaching workshop material saves a ton of time, energy and money!

Grab it for a discounted price at $47 (valid until April 16th, 2018). You’ll get everything you see listed above. Use coupon code ‘47‘ on checkout and save $250 off the regular price.

Planners, planners and more planners…last chance to save BIG!

It’s no secret how hot planners are—especially this time of year.

Everyone—from service providers to coaches to product sellers—is looking for ways to improve their business, produce more relevant content, create better coaching programs, and market more efficiently on social media. And that’s exactly where a well-crafted planner can help.

With a useful combination of step-by-step instruction and fill-in-the-blank workbook, a good planner can make it easy to achieve any goal you’ve set for your business.

My friends Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold at CoachGlue are well known for publishing a wide range of planners based on varied business aspects, and for this new-year campaign, they have put together a fantastic selection of planners to help you reach nearly any business milestone you can imagine.

Each one has a focused purpose that will drive your business forward and help you reach new heights, so they’re worth every penny just for that reason. But even better, once you’ve reached your milestone, repurposing your planner as a training tool for your clients is as easy as adding your own ideas and branding. Because these planners are designed as rebrandable content, you’re free to use them as a basis for your programs, give them away to your clients, or even sell them.

Check out the selection, and should you find any one or more planners that you like, use coupon code ‘2018‘ to pay only $20 each!

I can’t wait to see what you achieve with a done-for-you plan to work from!

[FREE] 5 Ways To 10x Your Business In 90 Days!

What would be different for you if you added a zero to the end of your income this year?

Instead of $500/month, you made $5000/month.

Or instead of $3,000/month you made $30,000/month.

It IS possible. People do it.
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Here’s your opportunity to learn from the Coachglue ladies, Melissa Ingold and Nicole Dean, as they bring you a new e-course called “How to 10x Your Business in the Next 90 Days” and it is FREE for a limited time.

It contains the exact methods they have used to help 20,000+ business owners. Will you be next?

Sign up now to get started.