Nobody’s buying your course.
You’ve been waiting all day, refreshing your inbox a million times…desperately hoping for a sale.
You worked so hard on all the content. You spent weeks perfecting everything. Your price is a freaking steal.
The truth is, we’ve all been there.
The reality is, not everything your clients create will sell.
In fact, a lot of stuff will totally tank.
But they have a choice. They can curl up into a ball of misery and quit. Or they can drop the project, and try again.
So what can you do to help your clients create a course that WILL sell?
Well, one of the biggest reasons that your clients might launch a course to crickets, is because the topic and the name is off.
What your clients name their course and what it covers, has the potential to make or break their success.
CoachGlue knows the sexier a topic and product name is, the better it sells. They have seen that proven again and again.

Which is why the first 2 lessons in their “100% Complete! How To Create A Profitable Course That Your Buyers Devour In Record Time” done-for-you course package focuses on these two things.
So that you can walk your clients through the process of putting together a course that creates CHA-CHINGS when someone lands on their sales page.
Here’s what you get when you invest in this package:
1) 4 course lessons (30 pages, 7703 words)
Lesson 1: the secret to course success? Choose a topic that thrills your fans
Lesson 2: why picking the perfect name will make or break your course
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Lesson 4: four key reasons to get help building your course
2) Course workbook with worksheets, exercises, and checklists: “How to create a profitable course” (26 pages)
3) Facebook livestream theme script: “5 things you should never do when creating a course” (18 pages) that you can read word for word.
4) Facebook livestream launch copy for your live or webinar that you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
5) Sales page to help you sell your course
6) 10 social media posts to promote your course on Facebook and twitter
7) 5 blog posts to promote your course
3 ways every business can benefit from passive income (592 words)
3 ways to turn your active income into passive income (621 words)
Debunking 4 myths about passive income (614 words)
Yes, you can teach the world what you know! 3 tips for creating a positive mindset (634 words)
How to build a passive income empire by hiring a dream team (634 words)
8) 5 e-mail templates to make promoting your livestream and course a breeze
You’ll get these 2 e-mails to invite people to your free Facebook live or webinar training:
Do you suffer from analysis paralysis? (219 words)
Reminder…livestream training today! (201 words)
You’ll get these 2 e-mails to sell your course:
Your next step toward creating courses… (189 words)
Still not sure if creating courses is right for you? (275 words)
You’ll get this e-mail to announce the cart close for your course:
Only 6 more hours to get this course! (187 words)
So this is it! If you want to create a program to help your clients create an amazing and profitable course, do not put this off for later! Time is quickly running out to get in on both the savings and the course itself.