Question: how long does it take to build your online business and yourself up as a bona fide authority which prospects will naturally look up to?
1 year? 2 years? Forever?
It’s a difficult question to answer when you know you have to keep coming up with content all your life, so what if I propose that you can immediately acquire a package of 320K Premium IM Words Content with PLR for multiple uses including memberships?
OK, how do you quantify 320,000 words? Let me break it down for you.

1. 102,000 words approximately of content from the IM Inside Track, 70 long articles with 5 articles each from 14 categories:
affiliate marketing
e-mail marketing
income generation
joint ventures
passive income
product creation
social media marketing
traffic generation
2. 88,000 words approximately of content from Daily Seminar, a membership site with content created by Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank.
There are 15 long seminar transcripts (average is 4,800 words each), on the following topics:
How to Overcome Skepticism
An Advanced Sales Tactic: The Red Herring
The Commitment & Consistency Principle
Master Story Telling in 7 Days or Less
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The Secret of Three Modalities
How to Handle Failure
Package Selling vs. Cafeteria Selling
How to Get Massive Responses From Your E-Mails
How to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life
Simple Copywriting Solutions
Overnight Blogging
How to Get Crazy Good at Interviews
How to Launch a New Product Every 7 Days
Video Marketing on Crack
3. 49,000 words approximately of reports created by Sean Mize, 9 reports in total.
4. 4 full e-books from Dennis Becker, former best-sellers on the Nanacast platform, total approximately 85,000 words
Now this looks humongous. It means that you will possess over a YEAR’S worth of massive quality IM authority content.
You could use them for all sorts of things (blog posts, coaching and/or training, paid membership site content, bonuses for purchase of a product of your own or as an affiliate, used as scripts for YouTube videos or podcasts etc.).
And the enhancements?
They’re really good:
* Resell rights to this huge amount of content so you can keep 100% of the commissions
* Personal Use and Resell Rights to over 1,000 Sean Mize IM Membership Audio Lessons (you can convert, let customers download to their phones, etc.)
* Personal Transformation Niche Syndicated Membership Content (Audio Lessons that can also be used for membership/etc.)
* 800,000 MORE expert IM words (content created by Jason Fladlien/Robert Plank)
This is evergreen, up-to-date PLR content that you can repurpose till kingdom come. You don’t have to start from scratch and in less time, you can be selective and align your chosen content to fit your business angle, and most of all, your followers will love you for adding great value to their knowledge.
Get Quick Content Mastery Vol. 2 for 93% less than the original price!