From the man who had made $11 million online starting from 10 years ago comes the most detailed online business education ever! In over 56 hours worth of audio CDs and 800+ pages, 20 topics are fully covered:
Topic #1 – Buying and Selling Websites – You’ll learn how to buy complete businesses online and flip them in as little as 3 days. The best part is that you can get started in many cases for as little as $50. Armand buys on average of 2 websites every month. Many he keeps and generates passive income. Other websites he turns around and sells for 3-5x profit.
Topic #2 – Money With AdSense – You’ll learn the exact strategies he has used over the years and to generate a very significant income on autopilot. Just to give you an idea of how well his system works, he purchased a new home his my parents on the price of just one month’s check!
Topic #3 – Affiliate Marketing – Discover how he earns over a million dollars a year by marketing other people’s products and services. You’ll learn the exact same strategies he personally uses.
Topic #4 – Income With Blogs – This is based on a little secret which is simple and 100% white-hat. Armand now has at least a thousand blogs in existence and he still hasn’t stolen content.
Topic #5 – Press Releases – This is one area which most marketers tend to ignore. For every major launch he uses press releases to gain added exposure and to gain market penetration beyond his hold in the industry he’s in. The best part about press releases is that if you understand the system, then you can use it to your advantage by getting traffic to your sites overnight.
Topic #6 – Viral Marketing – Viral Marketing is certainly a big buzzword now. He shows you viral marketing techniques which have been used to attract over 2,000,000 visitors. He also shows you his video which generated over 14,000 views in the first 48 hours and exactly how he did it.
Topic #7 – Product Creation – Another forte of Armand. Discover exactly how to create literally ANY type of product without any knowledge whatsoever. He takes you by the hand and teaches you how to create information products as well as his time-tested and proven formula for creating high-quality, in-demand software products.
Topic #8 – E-Books – When many people think there are only 2 types of e-books, Armand shows you all 4 types and how to create them with simple-to-follow instructions, and your content will still be very in-depth.
Topic #9 – Ghostwriters – It’s a fact the most successful people in the world today don’t write their own books, so why should you? You don’t have to if you understand how find a qualified ghostwriter who knows what they are doing.
Topic #10 – Interview Products – Armand thinks most people end up doing this entirely wrong. Very little time and effort is put behind it. So here’s the correct way which will make your product stand out from the crowd unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Topic #11 – Audio Products – Technology can be your friend if you let it. When creating audio products, there are simple techniques which can make your product sound like a million dollars. Ignore this and you fall into the abyss with all the other non-memorable products in the marketplace.
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Topic #12 – Teleseminars – Armand is an old hand at running teleseminars since 1996 and over the years he has learned easy-to-implement strategies which will allow you to profit quickly and instantly from sitting in the comfort of your own home. It’s not uncommon to generate $10,000-$50,000 with teleseminars if they are done correctly using his techniques.
Topic #13 – Public Domain – Public domain is the greatest asset anyone can use in order to create products almost instantly. You will uncover several ways in which you can predict with 100% accuracy which public domain products will sell the moment you place them up for sale.
Topic #14 – Product Launches – A well-planned product launch can generate significant income in just a few minutes and in many cases to the first few days. You can generate buzz before, during and long after the product has launched with techniques and strategies you’ll learn in Internet Marketing Explained.
Topic #15 – $4 Million Dollar Story – It’s true, he generated over $4 million dollars very early on in his Internet Marketing career. It wasn’t all peaches and cream though. He actually had $2 Million taken from him and withheld for 6 months. He will show you what I did and how you can avoid his mistakes.
Topic #16 – Traffic Secrets – The generation of traffic to your websites is one of the most sought-after skills any marketer wants to possess. It’s not complicated and YES it can be learned. Learn exactly how to drive over 5,000,000 visitors to my sites every single month!
Topic #17 – Copywriting – Armand has studied from his early beginnings the classic copywriters and has learned through massive testing what works for him. He may not be the best in the league but he wrote his own copy for himself and earned millions of dollars as a result.
Topic #18 – SEO – A mystery to many people on the Internet is how to optimize your websites for a higher rankings in the search engines. There is no exact science to this, but Armand has several techniques which have worked for him over the years in increase his rankings very quickly. Whatever the search engines want to see, he serves it up 100% white-hat.
Topic #19 – Your Own Affiliate Program – Discover how he recruits, builds and trains affiliates to market his products and services. He will show you exactly what tools and training to provide to keep your affiliates in tip-top performance.
Topic #20 – List Building – Continually build an opt-in list into the hundreds of thousands! The principles are simple and straightforward and they work for anyone as long as you IMPLEMENT THEM.
If you’ve not invested in yourself in a big way yet, now’s the time to start 2008 on the right note with Internet Marketing Explained.

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