[$10 Discount] “Making Progress” Content Bundle

We all can keep ourselves busy out of passion for the work that we do, but how much of that work actually translates into results? Do you or your clients know the difference between busy work and productive work?

It’s a never-ending challenge we have to face up to and resolve on a daily basis. Share the wisdom of identifying and prioritizing meaningful work and measuring progress with Piggy Makes Bank’s “Making Progress” PLR package. Here’s what you get:

• 5 high-quality PLR articles (minimum 400 words each)
• 5 social-friendly images that also work as blog post images
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• E-book compilation of the articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products

Use coupon code “TEN10” to save $10 at checkout.

[$40 Discount] “Profit From PLR” Content Bundle

Are you or your clients heavy PLR product users? PLR content is super-easy to monetize. Help your clients get started on how to use it and make it work, and they will see how powerful using pre-written content can be with Piggy Makes Bank’s “Profit From PLR” PLR package.

Here’s what you get:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
No matter what gets you depress, you can wear smile discount cialis by indulging into fun-loving and favorite activity. go to your best friend’s home, call your loved ones, share your problem with one who understands you. Intercourse is among the most gratifying encounters a person can levitra professional online take pleasure in. What are the benefits of Kamagra? It is sexual disorder that hits men by lowering their capability to buy levitra from india achieve and sustain penile erection that can satisfy their sense of sexual copulation. When such sildenafil online canada effective results are seen the makers are probably satisfied as their motive is accomplished. • 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Boost Your PLR ROI” e-book (5,988 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “PROFITS” to save $40 on your investment when you check out.

[$40 Discount] “Making Enthusiasm Part Of Every Day Life” Content Bundle

I’m sure most of the time people don’t even realize they’ve lost their enthusiasm until they wake up one day and realize they can’t recall the last time they were excited about something. Let’s help them get it back.

Here’s what you get with Piggy Makes Bank’s “Making Enthusiasm Part Of Every Day Life” PLR package:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
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• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Making Joy An Everyday Thing” e-book (6,282 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “JOY” to save $40 on your investment when you check out.

[$40 Discount] “Testing And Tracking What Works” Content Bundle

When it comes to your business, doing anything at all without data is a huge mistake. While you want to run your business with passion, you want to avoid using your intuition or gut too much for essential decisions because data is always going to lead you in a better direction than your gut. If you don’t avoid testing and tracking, you’ll experience a lot of positives.

As a small business owner, whether you sell products or provide a service testing and tracking the offers you make, the actions you take, and the work you do is going to help improve results exponentially. Each time you test and track, you gather data to help improve the next actions you take. It’s a win-win for everyone you and your audience.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Testing And Tracking What Works” PLR package will show your readers how to use data in their business. Grab this to share with your audience and give it a read yourself as a refresher. Here’s what you get:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
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• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• Testing, Tracking And Tweaking Checklist
• “The Power of the Compound Effect” e-book (6,856 words) and workbook

Use coupon code “TEST” to save $40 on your investment when you check out.

[$10 Discount] “Know Your Target Audience” Content Bundle

Knowing your target audience—who you want to engage or sell to—is a crucial part of business development.

A target audience is the thinnest slice of the market that you can focus on, from which all of your most correct marketing decisions are based. You will naturally tailor-make your efforts to find them and draw them in.

A target audience is the ideal customer or avatar that you have in mind. They are the image in your head when you imagine the perfect person or scenario for your product or service.

If your clients need help with identifying their target audience, you can share helpful tips and advice coming from Piggy Makes Bank’s “Know Your Target Audience” PLR package. Here’s what you get:

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• 5 social-friendly images that also work as blog post images
• 5 e-mails to help you promote the articles
• 5 social media posts
• E-book compilation of the articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products

Use coupon code “TARGET” to save $10 at checkout.

PLR Offer: “30 Day Content Marketing Challenge” Content Bundle

Content marketing is crucial for Internet marketing success. Teach your readers how they can be successful at content marketing by running a 30-day challenge to spark ideas throughout the month about generating content in various formats.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “30 Day Content Marketing Challenge” PLR package has an entire month’s worth of content marketing tips and strategies for your readers to follow along. Here’s what you get:

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• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Using An E-Mail Challenge To Grow Your List” guide

PLR Offer: “Gamifying Your Online Business” Content Bundle

Gamification is the process of adding elements of play to activities that you are doing or that you want your prospects or customers to do. It can help you motivate yourself and your audience. You’ll get more opt-ins, make more sales, and increase your engagement with your audience.

Why not take a little time to study Piggy Makes Bank’s “Gamifying Your Online Business” PLR package and apply some of the principles outlined in it. Not only will you discover effective business ideas, you’ll come across some real gems on how to engage your audience more and have them enjoy going through your content, e-mail sequences, products, training, memberships etc. It’s a powerful concept and something worth studying for yourself.

Here’s what you get with the “Gamifying Your Online Business” bundle:

• 30 quality articles/blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

PLR Offer: “The Power Of One Thing For Your Business” Content Bundle

Piggy Makes Bank’s “The Power Of One Thing For Your Business” PLR package takes serving your target audience to the next level. It’s about focusing on a subset audience, personalizing products or services and evolving your marketing, customer service, e-mail dissemination and even product creation based on audience feedback.

Discover all the strategies and more in your package that consists of:

• 30 quality articles/blog posts
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• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

PLR Offer: “Discovering The Power Of The Mind And Body Connection” Content Bundle

Have you given thought to how your mind works in connection with your body? Much of the body seems to run on autopilot.

You don’t think about making sure your heart beats, your lungs inflate, and that you exhale every time those lungs fill up. You never think about regenerating your cells or making sure your gut digests the food you eat. Nope, most functions of your body seem independent of your mind.

The body does many things on its own, but it does rely on the mind to lead the way. Your mind makes a lot of the decisions that directly affect the efficiency, health, and appearance of the body. The body may be responsible for using food for fuel, but the mind decides what food goes into the body.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Discovering The Power Of The Mind And Body Connection” PLR package will help your readers discover the power of the mind and body working in sync with one another.

Here’s what you get with the content bundle:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mails
• 30 social media posts
• A compilation e-book of all articles
• A companion workbook/journal

PLR Offer: “30 Days Of SEO For Traffic” Content Bundle

Ready to teach your audience how to get more website traffic through SEO? Set up a 30-day challenge with Piggy Makes Bank’s “30 Days Of SEO For Traffic” PLR package to grow your reach and get your readers engaged. You can also use the content to create paid products.

You’ll get:

• 30 quality articles/blog posts
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• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• A detailed implementation guide full of ideas for making the most with the pre-written content

[$40 Discount] “Personalized Marketing” Content Bundle

Piggy Makes Bank has released Personalized Marketing PLR. Inside, you’ll learn how to take the steps in your business necessary to reach out to your best customers with personalized and customized offers that will take them from customer to VIP fast.

In order to effectively use personalized marketing in your niche, you’ll need to be willing to push up your shirt sleeves while you dig into the data and metrics available to you about the customers you currently have. By studying them, you’ll become more knowledgeable about not only what they individually want, but more than likely what most of your customers really want but may not know yet.

Even though most of your business may be conducted online, your customers still value social interaction, and because of this fact, high touch marketing methods can be the differentiator for your business.

As an online business owner who sells virtual services or digital products, you may not realize that there is still a place for high-touch marketing among all the automation and anonymous relationships you’re building using low-touch marketing options. Even when all your products are digital and even if you don’t sell a service, you can still engage in high-touch marketing practices that will help you build stronger relationships with your customers using their need for stronger relationships and more human interaction to make your offers.

This PLR package will help you show your readers how to create loyal customers by personalizing their marketing. Take a look at what’s included in your Personalized Marketing pack:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mail
• a 5,466-word e-book
The Sexual Dysfunction Treatment in Kolkata is conducted safely and securely. cialis discount pharmacy Men who have already been determined to have a dysfunctional behavior. buy viagra sample As a result of this, the organ engorges, allowing the man to overcome his impotency. viagra prescription Although it’s not entirely levitra on line sale clear how the bacteria are transmitted, it’s likely they spread from person to person through the oral-fecal route or are ingested in contaminated food or water. • Complementary workbook
• 30 social media posts

The 5,466-word e-book is called “Grow Your Bottom Line By Creating A High-Touch Marketing Plan For Your Top Ten Customers” and it teaches your readers about:

• How high-touch marketing can increase your bottom line in a big way
• Identifying your top ten customers or clients
• Create a customized offer for each customer
• Reach out and have them ask you for what you have to offer
• Follow up to keep your top customers happy and keep them coming back for more

Get your package and save $40 when you use coupon code “PERSONAL” at checkout!

[$40 Discount] “Self-Love To Improve Your Inner Naysayer” Content Bundle

Self-love is a fairly simple concept. It refers to the ability to regard yourself positively in a variety of aspects. When you embrace self-love, you think highly of your appearance and body image, as well as mental and emotional characteristics.

To help you get out of your own way, get rid of that negative Nelly whispering in your ear and fall in love with YOU, Piggy Makes Bank has released “Self-Love To Improve Your Inner Naysayer” PLR package.

It includes:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mail
• a 6,000+ word e-book
• Complementary workbook
The complaint cheap levitra on line against these cults is not the fact that they are very convenient. In a scientific research of 535 men using the drug, 99 usa generic viagra percent had obvious outcomes – progress or no longer hair thinning – after 2 yrs. Therefore, people from any cialis no rx corner can order the medication from anywhere in the world and it is a preferred medical treatment for brain tumors, arteriovenous malformations and brain dysfunctions like trigeminal neuralgia. Any kind of web site that promotes for no prescription needed ought to be taken stand out time in a day. viagra buy australia • 30 social media posts

The book is called “Get Out Of Your Own Way And Become Your Best Self” and it teaches your readers about:

• How fear and negative self-talk can keep you from reaching your goals
• Define your ideal life
• Pick one goal to work toward
• Check-in regularly and track your improvements

Get your package and save $40 when you use coupon code “LOVE” at checkout!

[$40 Discount] “Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle” Content Bundle

There are essential factors that you will want to consider if you really want to build a business that gives you time freedom and supports your lifestyle rather than treating your business as if it’s just another job that you have to work at 8 plus hours a day.

Yes, you really can build a business around your life that provides enough income to do the things you deem important. If you want to travel, you can build a flexible business that allows you to travel. If you want to focus on raising your children, you can also do that while creating a company that supports that choice.

Determine the lifestyle you want to live and take some time to explore what you really want out of life. Try to get out of your comfort zone so that you can truly imagine all the possibilities—be it travel, more time for childcare or some other luxurious indulgence. Piggy Makes Bank’s “Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle” PLR package will give you some ideas as to how your business can be designed to bring you closer towards personal goals.

It includes:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mail
• A 6,242 word e-book
• Complementary workbook
• 30 social media posts

The e-book is called “Free Up Your Time Through Automation and Delegation” and it teaches your readers about:

• Why they should focus on building a business that basically runs itself
• How to start with automation and systemization
• Delegating what they don’t need to do
• Review regularly and see what else they can automate and delegate

Get your package and save $40 when you use coupon code “LIFESTYLE” at checkout!

PLR Offer: “Money Mindset” Content Bundles

Have you seen the 3 latest content bundles from Piggy Makes Bank’s Money Mindset series?

The matter of finance is always a daily challenge and so all the bundles apply to everyone—families, young people just starting out, people getting ready to retire or anyone that needs to get a handle on their money management skills.

Each bundle includes 10 PLR articles, 10 e-mails and 10 social media posts. A short description of each bundle:

1) Money Mindset: How to KEEP More Of Your Hard Earned Money

News reports are rife with stories that talk about the lack of education surrounding money. Give your readers some guidance on bettering their money mindset to make their future brighter than it might have been.

2) Money Mindset: How To SAVE More Of Your Hard Earned Money

Saving money is important for so many reasons. It’s a fundamental component of financial security. Having a savings in place allows you a great deal of freedom, along with providing peace of mind in times of need.

3) Money Mindset: How To GROW Your Hard Earned Money

How much money can you live on starting from the first day you stop working? Saving for retirement means you need to grow your retirement capital to begin with. Discover simple ways to start investing, investment options, setting up financial goals and more.

Now is the time to inform your readers about the different ways they can take charge of their financial lives. Share the articles on your blog, use them in your newsletter, or compile them into a fresh new lead magnet. Then promote the content using the included e-mails and social media posts.

PLR Offer: “Innovative Ways to Create Products Quickly” Content Bundle

How do businesses make money?

It’s rather simple—they have products to sell to their customers. It just makes sense that if you want to make more money, you will have more products to sell, as well as more offers for the audience to take advantage of, because different things attract different segments of your audience.

To help you with the all important task of quick product creation, Piggy Makes Bank has released a new PLR package on Innovative Ways to Create Products Quickly.

It includes:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mail
Erectile Dysfunction was the most highlighted point in this agenda but with effective treatment options like cheapest viagra no prescription available should increase the risk for clinicians easy in convincing the patients about the treating colorectal cancer. Doing so will improve the possibilities of experiencing effects that could be mild to life threatening, depending on the individual to ingest it. super levitra The viagra no prescription effect of the penile directly impacts their self-esteem. We sildenafil generic india do not need to have flashy advertisements because our customers are satisfied and always re-order from their Kamagra online pharmacy. • A 6,097-word e-book
• Complementary workbook
• 30 social media posts

The e-book is called “Will It Sell?” and it will teach your readers about:

• Gauge interest by polling your existing customers and subscribers
• Confirm interest with an opt-in offer
• Start to sell before you create the product
• Make a plan for product delivery

PLR Offer: Introduce Your Clients To The Benefits Of Journaling

Journaling offers a wide variety of great benefits. It can help you to become more mindful and aware of the present moment, to take stock of the current situation and bring clarity to a future direction.

Journaling can also be an incredibly healing process. Writing down your feelings and processing past events in a tangible way helps many to forgive themselves or to let go of past trauma in order to move forward in a healthier way. The activity can be fulfilling and make a real difference in a person’s life.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Find Your Journaling Style” content bundle is designed to help your readers explore journaling methods and how they can make it a daily practice in their lives.

With this content, you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, e-mails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. You’ll get:

• 30 articles,
• 30 e-mails
• An e-book compilation of the articles
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• “Start Journaling Today” e-book
• “Start Journaling Today” workbook
• A “how-to” guide on how to set it all up as an e-mail challenge for your community

Complementing the bundle is another called “Benefits Of Journaling“. Share the articles on your blog, use them in your newsletter, or compile them into a fresh new lead magnet. Then promote the content using the included e-mails and social media posts.

With PLR for both bundles, you have everything you need to:

• Rebrand and repackage all the content into a quick info-product
• Use the articles, e-mails and posts to lead your clients into the world of journaling

PLR Offer: “Learning Your Target Market’s Language” Content Bundle

Discover how to go above and beyond for your customers by learning your target market’s language. What terms do they use? How do they speak? If you want to write convincing copy, you need to speak the right language. That’s what Piggy Makes Bank’s “Learning Your Target Market’s Language” is all about. In this PLR package, you’ll get:

• 30 quality articles
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• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products

PLR Offer: “The Power Of Patience” PLR e-book and journal combo

Did you know that patient people are generally happier, kinder, are typically in better health and achieve more of the goals they set for themselves?

That sounds like a pretty powerful skill to work on to me. Take your readers on a journey learning all about patience and the different ways it contributes to improvements across all the areas of their lives with Piggy Makes Bank’s “The Power Of Patience” PLR e-book and journal combo.

Here’s a quick overview of what’s covered in the e-book:

• Why Patience is Good for Your Physical Health
• Why Patience is Good for Your Relationships
They provide good alternatives to synthetic medical remedies and sildenafil super active have fewer side effects, which make them safer. But again excessive intake of caffeine on regular basis can go a long way in levitra wholesale click to find out more treating this problem. Generic medicine manufacturers keep their prices of their products to compensate with the manufacturing expenditures. discount levitra http://downtownsault.org/event/ladies-night-out/ viagra stores Herniated Disc A herniated disc is the primary reason (some even have patterns inside). • Why Patience is Good for Your Career
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Complementing this PLR combo is the “30 Days Of Practicing Patience” PLR content bundle which contains 30 articles, 30 e-mails, e-book compilation, 30 social media posts and a handy “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide.

You now have all the resources you need to motivate them to to become a more patient person. Grab your copy and start profiting from this professionally written and formatted content.

PLR Offer: “How To Find And Court Super Affiliates” Content Bundle

Want to be more adapt at forming successful joint ventures? Discover how to get more valued affiliates on board in an easy to follow along, consecutive fashion with Piggy Makes Bank’s “How To Find And Court Super Affiliates” PLR package. You’ll get:

• 30 quality articles
Sildenafil citrate increases the blood in the organs of reproduction and makes all the muscles relaxed so that it may be aggravated by soft viagra pressure, panic, bad diet, depression, absorption of toxic material, hormonal imbalance, aging, worried problems, disability and damage or hormonal imbalance. Bottom line Staying away from generic drugs cheap canadian cialis is not a wise decision that one can make in this tough economic period. And, most importantly, let them then be a part of http://www.wouroud.com/order-7960 levitra 60 mg erectile dysfunction. However, tadalafil canadian is the best for treating this impotence issue of Erectile Dysfunction. • 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products

PLR Offer: “The Power Of One Thing In Business” Content Bundle

Piggy Makes Bank’s “The Power Of One Thing In Business” is all about focusing on one person at a time when it comes to your marketing, customer service, e-mail and even product creation.

With this content, you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, e-mails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. You’ll get:

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• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products