PLR Offer: “Cultivating An Abundance Mindset To Get More Of What You Want Out Of Life” PLR Package

Cultivating An Abundance Mindset To Get More Of What You Want Out Of Life

Alice Seba has released a special 4-part e-course package called “Cultivating An Abundance Mindset To Get More Of What You Want Out Of Life“. It will teach your customers how to live an abundant life so they can be successful and happy in all areas of their lives. The e-course is also designed as a lead magnet. Everyone gives out a free report for an opt-in, but why not go a step further? This package includes 4 complete reports, checklists and worksheets!

Here’s what’s inside this high-value package:

• 4 Positive Mindset Reports: You get 4 illustrated guides (34 pages/14,312 words, .doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how they can design and live the life they deserve! Topics include:

1. Rewriting your beliefs
2. Examining your expectations
3. Reverse engineering your mindset
4. Living life to the fullest

• 4 Worksheets: One to accompany each report so your readers can stay on track while learning to live life to the fullest.

• 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional reports.

• 4 Course Delivery E-Mails: Add these e-mails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons. She has made it super easy!

• 4 Professionally-Designed E-Cover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.

• 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, she included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for you. She even hosts the images for you.

Here are a few ideas for using the content:

• Use it as a high-target lead magnet to grow your list. If you’re looking to teach your readers how to become a published author, you’ve got everything you need here. This e-course will take them through the steps they need to write their book and get published.

• Turn it into a paid product. There’s a ton of great content here, plus you get the worksheets and checklists to help your customers take action right away. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.

• Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You’ve got a ton of fodder here for several informative blog post series. You can use the checklists and worksheets as opt-in offers or high-value free downloads.

• Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump up the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they’ll immediately see the value of their membership.

Some tips on how to build traffic to get those subscribers:

1. Share it on social media.
2. Get your affiliates to promote it, using their affiliate link.
3. Set up a retargeting ad campaign on Facebook, so you can get people who visited your site before to opt-in.
4. Find new audiences with more ad campaigns using Facebook, YouTube or Google ads.
5. Make a quick video to promote your course on YouTube and send them to your opt-in page.
6. Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
7. Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
8. Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
9. Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
10. Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
11. Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
12. Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

PLR Offer: 10 done-for-you blog posts on Visualization

Your clients are probably watching other entrepreneurs living a life they can only dream about.

They sit in their home office day after day, struggling to book yet another discovery call, scarfing down lunch at their desk because there’s no time for a real break.

The burning desire to build a business on their own terms keeps them pushing forward, but somewhere in their heart, they want more:

• More time with their family.
• More money to explore a world of possibilities.
• More change in their clients’ lives.

If your clients are like most small business owners, they bootstrapped their success, building one upon another until they created a profitable business with nothing but their own time and talents.

But also like most coaches, they’ve come to realize that it’s just not as satisfying as they thought it would be.

So they set goals. Maybe they want to earn more next year, or spend a week at a spa, or host a ‘live’ event. And as their productivity books have taught them, they write down their goals, maybe even add dates and deadlines.

So why haven’t you achieved them? Because they can’t see them yet.

Ask top athletes what sets them apart from the average, and they won’t tell you it’s talent or endless practice or even money to hire the best coaches. It’s their ability to visualize the win.

Your clients have to be able to see themselves accomplishing their goal if they want it to become a reality, and that’s what visualization is all about.

Unlike numbers on a spreadsheet or words in a journal, pictures help to paint a mental image that can drive them to reach higher and work harder. The difference is, with a clear goal in sight, they’ll find more focus to help keep them on track to achieve even their biggest dreams.

And that’s what a vision board is all about!

10 Done-For-You Blog Posts: Vision Boards

You’ll get 10 done-for-you blog posts to teach your audience all about vision boards.

You can use these posts to:

• Create a lead magnet by putting all 10 posts together into one document as a guide and use it to build your mailing list

• Host a 10-minute Facebook Live on the topic of each blog post (or record a video and post to YouTube, social media etc.)

• Run a free challenge using the content from the posts

• Set up an autoresponder series using the blog posts as e-mail content, and add in a call-to-action that sends people to buy your vision board program

• Pull apart each post and create content to share on social media

But you’ve only got through TODAY to grab this done-for-you vision board blog post package at the special discounted price, and then it’s gone!

[$40 Discount] “Social Media Stories For Business” Content Bundle

Social media stories are a series of small 15-second clips that are ‘live’ for 24 hours or longer, depending on your platform, that work together to tell your audience an engaging story. Of course, the story you tell depends on your overall goals, niche and objectives as a business owner. In 2019, over a billion and a half people and businesses utilized the Story feature on their platform every day. This fact should show you just how important and vital this tool is today as a business owner.

Our 30 Days of social media stories will teach your readers how they can create stories to engage better with their audience and create superior products for them.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Social Media Stories For Business” PLR package is a 30-day challenge designed to teach your readers how they can create stories to engage better with their audience and create superior products for them.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to examine their lifestyle so they can experience healthy personal growth.

This large bundle includes:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “10 Dos And Don’ts To Using Social Media Stories For Business” e-book (6,248 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “STORIES” to save $40 at checkout.

PLR Offer: “Social Media Posting Plan” Workbook by Thrive Anywhere

When it comes to social media, do your clients feel like they’re throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping it sticks? Nearly everyone does. Sadly these days, social media is not something they can ignore. It is crucial to growing their business.

What if you could give them a better way? A way to create a social media plan for their business and help them actually reach their target audience in an effective way?

There is!

It is your new social media workbook that you didn’t create but are going to get all the credit for it.

How? By getting the new Social Media Posting Plan from Thrive Anywhere. With this workbook, you will guide them through discovering who their audience is, what they want, and how they can reach their people on social media to create a plan specifically tailored for their peeps.

All the design and content is already done for you. You only need to download and rebrand to make it completely yours and start delighting your clients.

[$40 Discount] “The Power Of Knowing When To Quit” Content Bundle

We live in a world where being a quitter is nothing to brag about. Busy-ness is rewarded with envy and valued as part of an accomplished lifestyle. Refusing to give up is symbolic of success and as exhausting as it may be, it’s always better to be seen grinding for what you want rather than guarding your time and resources.

We’ve all heard the quip designed to keep people motivated and reach their goals—quitters never win, and winners never quit. It’s an important message and reminds us hard work does pay off. While some people need to develop the skills to stick with things, other people need to learn when enough is enough.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “The Power Of Knowing When To Quit” PLR package is a 30-day challenge designed to help your readers understand the power of knowing when to quit.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to examine their lifestyle so they can experience healthy personal growth.

This large bundle includes:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “The Power Of Knowing When To Quit And Developing The Courage To Do It” e-book (8,058 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “QUIT” to save $40 at checkout.

[67% Discount] “Dealing With Negative Thoughts And Negative People In Your Life” PLR package

Dealing With Negative Thoughts And Negative People In Your Life

Alice Seba has launched a new PLR package called “Dealing With Negative Thoughts And Negative People In Your Life“. You’ll get a fully brandable and editable Planner and Report that help your readers learn why dealing with and saying ‘no’ to negative thoughts is so effective for personal growth. Plus, you’ll get all the marketing materials you need to use that content to grow your list.

The package includes the following:

• “Dealing With Negative Thoughts And Negative People In Your Life” Report (.doc, 3,575 words/10 pages): Help your readers learn the skills of dealing with negativity.

• My Journaling Planner (.doc, 380 pages): A beautiful place to document thoughts and plans on what to focus on to start getting out of negative situations each day.

• 20 Inspirational Social Media Graphics: 20 attractive graphics to inspire your followers to share on social media and more.

You also get the marketing materials they need to promote this content including:

• Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, they’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. She even host the images!

• 2 Professionally Designed E-Cover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with the report and planner to help your opt-ins stand out.

Here are some ideas about what you can do with these.

• Use it as a high-target lead magnet to grow your list. If you’re looking to teach your readers how to build their list using information products, you’ve got everything you need here. Start off with offering them the report and provide even more value with the rest of the materials or use them as an upsell.

• Turn it into a paid product. There’s a ton of great content here for you to turn this content into a paid course. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.

• Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You’ve got a ton of articles you can easily turn into informative blog posts or a blog post series. Use the report as an opt-in offer or a high-value free download from within your content.

• Share it on Social Media. We make it easy for you to share this valuable content on social media with the short tips and social media graphics.

• Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump of the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they’ll immediately see the value of their membership.

Some tips on how to build traffic to get those subscribers:

1. Share it on social media.
2. Get your affiliates to promote it, using their affiliate link.
3. Set up a retargeting ad campaign on Facebook, so you can get people who visited your site before to opt-in.
4. Find new audiences with more ad campaigns using Facebook, YouTube or Google ads.
5. Make a quick video to promote your course on YouTube and send them to your opt-in page.
6. Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
7. Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
8. Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
9. Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
10. Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
11. Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
12. Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

Grab it all at one low price, but for a very short time only.

PLR Offer: “Setting Boundaries And Transformational Life Skills” PLR Package

Setting Boundaries And Transformational Life Skills

A brand new “Setting Boundaries And Transformational Life Skills” PLR package has just been released by Geoff and Susie O’Dea.

This private label rights content is ready for you to use and brand as your own.

The content is well-researched and written to a very high standard. Your customers will learn different life skills and insights to transform their lives.

The main offer includes:

Module 1: “Setting Boundaries” report (5,702 words, 27 pages)—Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated.

Module 2: E-cover graphics—Different styles in JPG and PNG formats and editable PSD File.

Module 3: Squeeze page and download page. Instructions included.

Module 4: 15 high-quality articles in Word docs and text files.

1. Don’t Apologize For Being Yourself – 763 words
2. Life Can Be Hard But You Can Remain Strong – 818 words
3. Learn From Your Mistakes – 642 words
4. How to Deal with Disappointment – 753 words
5. Ignoring Problems Won’t Make Them Go Away – 783 words
6. What’s Missing In Your Life – 717 words
7. How to Start Thinking Big – 850 words
8. Develop Inner Strength and Improve Your Life – 733 words
9. Ways to Develop Your Inner Strength to Achieve Anything – 982 words
10. Signs of Selfish Behaviors – 810 words
11. Do You Engage In Self-Sabotaging Behaviors – 818 words
12. What Does Your Body Language Say to Others – 955 words
13. Signs You Are Super Critical and How To Stop – 667 words
14. Your Mindset is a Choice – What Mindset Do You Have or Want to Change – 754 words
15. Find Your Greatness and Reach Your Potential – 659 words

Module 5: 15 social posters—Perfect for sharing to all the social media platforms. JPG, PNG and PSD files included.

Module 6: 20 quotes on Boundaries.

Module 7: “Setting Boundaries” infographic—Professionally designed. 1,000px × 3,670px.

Don’t miss this offer.

[$40 Discount] “E-Mail Marketing Audits” Content Bundle

E-mail funnels are a set or series of marketing materials that inspire your audience to do something—most of the time in the form of a purchase or to benefit your company in some way. Your e-mails provide value that persuades your audience to purchase your products, follow your social media pages or become a loyal audience and customer.

At the start of every e-mail, the funnel includes an opt-in page that gets your audience’s attention and trust in exchange for their e-mail addresses. Then once you grab their information, you can start going down the e-mail marketing funnel through well-timed and targeted e-mails. These e-mails should be full of information to establish your authority and trust further.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “E-Mail Marketing Audits” PLR package will teach your readers how they can audit their e-mail funnels to be more successful.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to create better e-mail funnels for their business in regular drip fashion.

This large bundle includes:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Beginner’s Guide To E-Mail Marketing Audits” e-book (5,653 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “AUDIT” to save $40 at checkout.

[74% Discount] Unlimited Visitors In 26 Seconds Or Less…


Prime is the world’s first 7-in-1 multi-channel marketing software…

Customers can finally get FREE traffic via Messenger chat, e-mail, SMS, social media, push notification, video and ‘live’ streaming.

Nothing like it gives you this much outreach from one software.

With tutorials, case study and customer support, you will be able to master the app for maximum results in no time.

Once you see the potential with this, you’ll want to scale this even more!

Grab this for $17 now, before price increases or it gets sold out.

Create high-quality content for yourself or your clients in minutes.

There’s one thing that bloggers, website owners, social media influencers, product merchants and even affiliate marketers never have enough of…


Whether it’s blog posts, review articles, pillar content, FAQs, trending news, viral memes, breaking gossip, whitepaper reports, lead magnets, giveaway bonuses or full PLR…

Fresh content is ALWAYS in demand!

AND high-quality content ALWAYS gets a premium price tag!

BUT there’s always a challenge to every opportunity…

Outsourcing—Hiring freelancers is expensive AND seldom gets you the quality results you want…

D.I.Y.—Doing it all yourself, by hand simply takes too long to be practical…

Web apps—Automated apps get limited results and fail to give you the big picture…

Research Daemon

With Research Daemon (Windows-only software), content research and creation doesn’t have to be a headache, or cost a fortune…

Now you can quickly research and create new content from all over the web with one dashboard that puts advanced search algorithms at your fingertips and does the heavy lifting for you!

Create any type of content you or your clients need in minutes…

Offer a wide variety of premium content creation services on gig sites like Upwork and Fiverr…

Manage clients’ social media content as an agency…

Or just create your own lead magnets, reports and PLR info-products to sell!

[$40 Discount] “Getting Better Sleep” Content Bundle

There is a burgeoning market of people searching for ways to have more meaningful and fulfilling sleep routines and the topic is perfect for adding into your personal development offerings.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to work on getting better sleep and apply what they have read in regular drip fashion.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Getting Better Sleep” PLR package has:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “10 Ways To Avoid Insomnia And Sleep Better Every Night” e-book (6,512 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

You’ll also receive 3 bonuses to provide your audience:

• Gratitude List
• Insomnia Checklist
• Sleep Journal

Use coupon code “BETTERSLEEP” to save $40 at checkout.

[98% Discount] No product? No list? No problem. 3-figure DAILY profits in a jiffy.


Stacked is the EASIEST way to make lazy profits online, period.

Just a couple of years ago, you’d need your own products, an e-mail list and create heaps of unique content on a daily basis to make a job-replacing income.

TODAY, you can make 3-figure daily profits without ANY of that.

Stacked builds passively monetized websites FOR you, packs them full of trending content and UPDATES them every single day…

And gets you 100% free traffic from both search engines AND social media!

All this with ZERO techie skills, product or content creation.

It EVEN builds your list for you AT THE SAME TIME, so you can profit from a growing list of subscribers.

THIS is the ultimate set-and-forget passive profit solution. Lock in your access for a ONE-TIME low cost before the price increases.

Take the 360-degree showroom experience to homes with Augment Suite and explode sales!

The first-to-market augmented reality tool is now available—a new level of marketing capabilities that doesn’t come to most people!

Take your products to your customer’s real world with the power of augmented reality and explode conversions like never before!

Augment Suite

Here is what you can do with Augment Suite:

• Augmented reality campaigns in 60 seconds
• Spatial try-on campaigns to bring products in the immediate environment
• Retail and print-friendly experience campaigns
• Virtual try-on campaigns for trying products on oneself
• Multiple stores to organize all your campaigns
• Share campaigns using QR code
• Embed campaigns on any page
• Share campaigns on social media
• Autoresponder integration to grow your leads
• PayPal and Stripe integration to collect payments
• Complete analytics on campaign performance
• No technical skills required
• Included commercial rights to sell augmented reality campaigns to businesses for top dollars

All it takes is 3 simple steps to create a campaign:

Step 1 – Choose the type of campaign
Step 2 – Upload the image and fill in a couple of basic details
Step 3 – Publish the campaigns and explode your conversions

Make back your investment in Augment Suite just by selling a single campaign!

Make sure to check it out right away and take advantage of this brand new technology!

[$40 Discount] “Looking Within for Healthy Personal Growth” Content Bundle

We live in busy times. Busyness is glorified and having more than you can possibly accomplish on your plate is common. While it’s admirable to have the skills to manage a hectic and busy life, it definitely has its drawbacks. If you’re too busy, it can impede self-reflection. Self-reflection is the antidote for an unexamined life.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Looking Within for Healthy Personal Growth” PLR package will teach your readers how they can self-reflect or introspect for warning signs, to break bad habits and to cultivate good ones and good relationships and more.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to examine their lifestyle and apply what they have read in regular drip fashion.

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Is It Me? Using Self-Reflection And Looking Within For Healthy Personal Growth” e-book (8,848 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “WITHIN” to save $40 at checkout.

PLR Offer: “4 Weeks To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone And Achieve Greatness” PLR Package

4 Weeks To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone And Achieve Greatness

Alice Seba has released a special 4-week e-course package called “4 Weeks To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone And Achieve Greatness“. It will teach your customers how to get out of their comfort zone so they can be successful and happy in all areas of their lives. The e-course is also designed as a lead magnet. Everyone gives out a free report for an opt-in, but why not go a step further? This package includes 4 complete reports, checklists and worksheets!

Here’s what’s inside this high-value package:

• 4 Positive Mindset Reports: You get 4 illustrated guides (36 pages/13,466 words, .doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how they can get out of their comfort zone to live the life they deserve! Topics include:

1. Why leaving your comfort zone is important
2. Understanding your comfort zone
3. Challenging your comfort zone
4. Rewriting your life

• 4 Worksheets: One to accompany each report so your readers can stay on track while learning how to get out of their comfort zone.

• 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional reports.

• 4 Course Delivery E-Mails: Add these e-mails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons. She has made it super easy!

• 4 Professionally-Designed E-Cover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.

• 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, she included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for you. She even hosts the images for you.

Here are a few ideas for using the content:

• Use it as a high-target lead magnet to grow your list. If you’re looking to teach your readers how to become a published author, you’ve got everything you need here. This e-course will take them through the steps they need to write their book and get published.

• Turn it into a paid product. There’s a ton of great content here, plus you get the worksheets and checklists to help your customers take action right away. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.

• Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You’ve got a ton of fodder here for several informative blog post series. You can use the checklists and worksheets as opt-in offers or high-value free downloads.

• Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump up the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they’ll immediately see the value of their membership.

Some tips on how to build traffic to get those subscribers:

1. Share it on social media.
2. Get your affiliates to promote it, using their affiliate link.
3. Set up a retargeting ad campaign on Facebook, so you can get people who visited your site before to opt-in.
4. Find new audiences with more ad campaigns using Facebook, YouTube or Google ads.
5. Make a quick video to promote your course on YouTube and send them to your opt-in page.
6. Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
7. Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
8. Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
9. Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
10. Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
11. Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
12. Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

[$30-$50 Discount] “Mindsets” PLR Package With Complete Sales Funnel

Mindsets PLR – Mindsets To Improve Your Life

Are you looking to leverage more personal development content for your website?

Geoff and Susie O’Dea have released a brand new PLR package called “Mindsets PLR – Mindsets To Improve Your Life“.

Here’s what’s included in this offer:

1. Report – Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated
2. Report e-cover graphics – Many styles in JPG and PNG formats, plus PSD file
3. Squeeze page, download page and call-to-action graphic
4. Autoresponder e-mails – 5 e-mails to upload to your autoresponder
5. E-book – The articles have been repurposed to create the e-book. Plus a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion have been added. Fully illustrated with royalty-free, commercial-use images.
6. E-book e-cover graphics
7. Articles – 10 articles in both written and audio formats. The MP3 formats are in both male and female recordings
8. Workbook and cover graphics
9. Social posters – Eye-catching graphics to get noticed!
10. Social media posts – Ready to post into your favorite social platforms
11. Infographics – Full of information and professionally created.

This is a PLR offer not to be missed!

[$40 Discount] “Live Streaming For Business” Content Bundle

‘Live’ streaming can add a more competitive edge to your brand and business. If you want to better engage and communicate with your audience while generating more leads and revenue, you should add it to your marketing strategy.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Live Streaming For Business” PLR package will teach your readers how they can create a strategy around ‘live’ streaming to grow their business.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to use ‘live’ streaming to expand their reach.

Here’s what you get with the content bundle:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Beginners Guide To ‘Live’ Streaming” e-book (6,116 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “STREAM” to save $40 at checkout.

[$40 Discount] “From Procrastination To Progress” Content Bundle

Everyone procrastinates from time to time. Avoidance is a natural way to protect ourselves from stress, pain, fear and other unpalatable things. If you are facing something tough, it’s not surprising you’d want to put it off until the last possible moment.

Don’t worry, even chronic procrastinators have the ability to flip the switch and move from procrastination to being pro-active.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “From Procrastination To Progress” PLR package is a 30-day challenge designed to help your readers start taking action in their lives.

With the content, you share helpful tips and advice via e-mails going out each day that guide and challenge readers to stop procrastinating and start taking action.

Here’s what you get with the content bundle:

• 30 quality articles—perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
• 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products
• “Beat Procrastination And Create A Pro-Active Lifestyle” e-book (8,582 words) and workbook
• “How To Run An E-Mail Challenge” guide

Use coupon code “SUPER” to save $40 at checkout.

[Dime Sale] Tired of rehashed methods that don’t work?

Warlord Secrets

Warlord Secrets is a way that you can leverage a huge authority to get massive amounts of niche-targeted buyer traffic. So few are doing this method the right way!

There’s none of the usual stuff you’re sick of hearing about.

-> No spamming social media
-> No paid ads
-> No webinars
-> No technical hassles
-> No hustling for clients
-> No “buy on one platform and sell on another”

This course can change everything for you faster than any method currently out there.

Getting results fast is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

And right now, you pay a crazy low price for Warlord Secrets.

[81% Discount] NEW Tech Creates 100s Of Viral Micro Videos In Minutes

The secret to generate massive traffic from social media like those big celebrities, businesses, media houses are actually these little social micro videos…

How exactly?

Just use other people’s videos, convert 1 into dozens of social micro videos, and schedule them to publish for months and years, thus getting your free unlimited traffic on complete automation.

These innovative social micro videos are PERFECT FOR VIDEO ADS, VIRAL VIDEOS, CONTENT VIDEOS and hundreds of other video types!


All you need to do is to take any video, even the oldest and lamest you can find, yours or not yours, put it into the Traffic100k software, and generate DOZENS or more of high-converting videos for multiple purposes in any niche.

You can create:

– Video ads
– Social media videos
– YouTube videos
– Viral videos
– Influencer videos
– Sales page videos
– Local business videos

Don’t miss the current heavily discounted price right now.