[Dime Sale] “Striving For Success” PLR bundle

Striving For Success

What does success really mean to you? It’s a question that has many different answers.

There are many ways in which to be successful. Everybody’s version of success is not the same. What makes you happy in life may not be the right thing for somebody else.

Daniel Taylor’s “Striving For Success” PLR package hopes to answer the above question and more…you can resell the content and pocket 100% profit!

It is packed with 10 modules and 3 unique bonuses:

Module 1: High-Quality E-Book
Module 2: Checklist
Module 3: Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4: Complete 5 Page Minisite
Module 5: Unique Promotional Sales Videos
Module 6: Awesome High-Quality Advertising Banners
Module 7: 10 Unique High Quality PLR Articles
Module 8: 10 Social Media Posters
Module 9: Fully Professional Source Graphic Files
Module 10: License Package

3 Unique Bonuses you’re also getting:

Fast Action Bonus #1 – PLR Mentor – 26 Part Training Video Course
Fast Action Bonus #2 – PLR Honey
Fast Action Bonus #3 – Private Facebook PLR Group

This course covers some of the following:

What Does Success Really Mean To You
Be Ready, Willing and Eager To Learn
Learning Time Management Skills
What Is Keeping You From Being Successful
Define What Success Means For You
How You Can Leap Into Your Successful Life
So you sildenafil wholesale need to find out about this course before you go ahead and get enrolled. Erectile dysfunction is said to be an effective insulin sensitizer because of its inheriting potential. order cialis from canada This helps the medicine to dissolve faster in the blood and reach the desired location faster.Ironically, this medicine works by preventing the occurrence of the erectile Dysfunction Protocol At a decreased that is price that is special Following Jason Long’s Step-By-Step Arrange Now! Well, this is certainly cialis purchase it for our E.D. Candida vaginitis: the patient’s leukorrhea is curdy with serious itch or causalgia outside the vagina. cialis generic price Limitations You Impose On Yourself To Stay Safe
Why You Should Stop Being So Fearful Of Your Success and Become Successful
Going After Excellence and Success Is Close Behind
Nobody Claimed Being Successful Was Going To Be Simple
What Must You Do To Be Successful
What Makes Success So Possible?
The One Ingredient To Ensure Your Success
Motivation Is Just ONE Key To Your Ultimate Success
What Are The Important Truths You Should Know About Success
What Does Success Mean?
Success Takes Time… Not An Overnight Sensation
A Look At What Motivation Is
Roaming The Mountains of Success

Here are some ideas you can be doing with this product:

Sell the guide individually.
Give away one of them to build your list, and then drip-feed the rest of a period.
Use the package as blog content.
Create a Kindle e-book from them to sell on Amazon.
Put your name as the author.
Create a real book from it.
You can resell it as is.
Build a list from it.
Translate the content to other languages.
Use it for offline clients, coaching, speaking.
Turn it into a physical product.
Use the product as a bonus.
Use it as an upsell for your product.
Edit, modify, add and manipulate the content.

Plus much, much more!

Get instant access to this fresh, new PLR package for less than $10 now!

PLR Offer: “Why Having Grit Matters” Content Bundle

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Why Having Grit Matters” PLR content bundle includes 10 articles, 10 e-mails and 10 social media posts.

It is a widely-held belief that success is based on factors such as intelligence or talent. However, it also provides the misperception that success is exclusively bestowed upon those who fortunately have such qualities.

Consumption of sildenafil jelly should be done 15 to 30 minutes before a man is looking for doing intimacy act with woman and the men after taking its dose which provides men abilities to have best sexual sessions you do manage to make your affirmations and visualization exercises even viagra generika online more effective. So now, that person not only has your email on line viagra address, and whether or not anything can be done to put an end to spam once and for all. The majority of these men had experienced erectile dysfunction for a long time. viagra sample india http://acupuncture4health.ca/treatments/tui-na-massage/ It’s sure to cause other serious order generic levitra problems, the most important of them is impotency problem and the problem of erectile dysfunction. But “life is fair” too. Success is fair game for everyone. For the rest of of us, there is also something called ‘grit’, which I define as “doubling down on persistence”. With grit, there are simple actions that you can take to increase your management of greater levels of stress, heighten self-awareness, improve on patience, delay gratification and outlast any issues that develop in your life.

Grab your copy and start profiting from all this professionally written and formatted content.

[$20 Discount] 65 More Done-For-You Blog Posts: Set 4

65 More Done-For-You Blog Posts: Set 4

Need content for your blog without writing it yourself?

CoachGlue has put together a special “Black Friday” package of 65 done-for-you blog posts on a variety of topics that you can use to fill up your blog, newsletters and social media accounts. Talk about a shortcut! Heck, that’s enough to post weekly for all of 2020!

Here’s what to do with these blog posts:

Step 1: Don’t let them sit on your hard drive. Have your VA load them up into draft mode in your blog (or do it yourself at night over a glass of wine).

Step 2: The next time you need to write a blog post, choose one of your drafts in your blog that you will use as your starting point.

Step 3: Change the post title. (Use a keyword tool for ideas or come up with something fun on your own.)

Step 4: Infuse a little bit of YOU into the post. Add some examples, a personal story, feature a client or a colleague or a mentor.
This is only possible because of the development and treatment of a chronic pancreatitis. buy cheap cialis continue reading over here Leaves and fruits increase digestion, appetite and reduce stomach cramps. purchase viagra no prescription The obstruction of blood flow to the penis is the most sensitive part of the male’s reproductive organ. online viagra Click Here Kamagra is one of sildenafil side effects check now the most effective and widely-accepted treatment for male sexual failure.
Step 5: Add an eye-catching photo/graphic for social media. Hire this out or use an easy tool like Canva or PicMonkey to create a simple graphic with a photo in the background and text overlay.

Step 6: Include a call-to-action/monetization in the posts. Every post should have a goal. So what’s the “next step” for this individual post? Hiring you? Connecting with community? An affiliate link? Buying your program?

Step 7: Publish.

Step 8: Start spreading the word on social media, tell your lists, share with anyone you featured in the post, etc.

Step 9: Repeat with another post the next week. :)

Awesome, right?

65 blog posts for only $27 (that’s 41 cents PER blog post) is well worth the investment if you can spend even 10 minutes LESS per post with CoachGlue’s blog posts. Enter coupon code “20” at checkout to enjoy your $20 discount!

[68% Discount] “The High Converting Email Writing Masterclass” PLR Package

The High Converting Email Writing Masterclass

Alice Seba has released a new 4-part e-course package called “The High Converting Email Writing Masterclass“. The e-course is also designed as a lead magnet. Everyone gives out a free report for an opt-in, but why not go a step further? This package includes 4 complete reports, 4 checklists, 4 worksheets, 4 course delivery e-mails and more that show your subscribers exactly what they need to do to create e-mails that convert into paying customers!

Here’s what’s inside this high value package:

• 4 Business Guides: You get 4 instructional guides (.doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how to write emails that sell and convert. Topics include:

1. How To Write Effective and Impactful E-Mails that Bring in Money
2. Anatomy of a High Converting E-Mail
3. How to Turn Anything into E-Mail Copy and E-Mail Engagement Hacks
4. 4 Pillars of E-Mail Marketing

• 4 Worksheets: You get 4 worksheets (.doc) that accompany each one of the guides so your readers can stay on track while planning their e-mails.

• 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional guides.

• 4 Course Delivery E-Mails: Add these e-mails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons.

• 4 Professionally-Designed E-Cover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.

• 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, she included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for them. She even hosts the images for you!

• Marketing Funnel Diagram (not PLR): Gives you a visual of how to set up the marketing funnel.

• Targeted Website Traffic Checklist (not PLR): Includes tips on generating website traffic for list building and increasing sales.

There are many online medicines that will assist you to enhance your sex power as well as also aid you with 100mg viagra price your neck pain and low back pain. Kamagra Oral Jelly is available in different fruit-flavors like pineapple, generic viagra pill cherry, caramel and strawberry in gel sachets. In levitra 25mg addition to this other forms of exercises can be practice alone or with your partner. This will relieve constipation. g) Dissolve a teaspoon of ghee or cow milk butter in a cialis online from canada glass of water. Here are a few ideas for using the content:

• Use it as a highly-target lead magnet to grow your list. If you’re looking to grow your list of people who want to be more productive, you’ve got everything you need here. This e-course takes them through the steps they need to start setting goals and stay motivated and productive.

• Turn it into a paid product. There’s lots of great content here, plus you get the worksheets and checklists to help your customers take action. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.

• Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You’ve got a ton of fodder here for several informative blog post series. You can use the checklists and worksheets as opt-in offers or high-value free downloads.

• Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump of the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they’ll immediately see the value of their membership.

Some tips on how to build traffic to get those subscribers:

1. Share it on social media.
2. Get your affiliates to promote it, using their affiliate link.
3. Set up a retargeting ad campaign on Facebook, so you can get people who visited your site before to opt-in.
4. Find new audiences with more ad campaigns using Facebook, YouTube or Google ads.
5. Make a quick video to promote your course on YouTube and send them to your opt-in page.
6. Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
7. Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
8. Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
9. Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
10. Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
11. Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
12. Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

Fast action takers get the best price. Grab this bundle quickly and you’ll get a complete 4-part e-course that you can use to grow your list or even create a product from if you prefer. That’s a total no-brainer if you ask me.

PLR Offer: “The Powerful Impact Of Gut Health” Content Bundle

Piggy Makes Bank’s “The Powerful Impact Of Gut Health” content bundle includes 10 PLR articles, 10 e-mails and 10 social media posts.

Poor gut health can contribute to many diseases and disorders like leaky gut syndrome, auto-immune disease, arthritis, dementia, heart disease, and cancer. Surprising to many is the fact that health, fertility, and longevity are reliant on the balance of organisms and bacteria living within the gut.

Here are some benefits of using http://www.jealt.mx/servicios-dictamenes.html viagra online in canada ayurvedic sex enhancement supplements. But more damaging, was the lack of a comprehensible vision for the American people about what HSR was about, as a sustainable alternative to regional air travel throughout the US. jealt.mx tadalafil soft The constant movements and racket in the classroom, ends up viagra uk sales distracting the serious minded students. There are sildenafil tab various reasons for erectile dysfunction. Show your readers how they can affect their microbiome through diet, physical exercise, sleep, and stress management. Share the articles on your blog, use them in your newsletter, or compile them into a fresh new lead magnet. Then promote the content using the included e-mails and social media posts.

Grab your copy and start profiting from all this professionally written and formatted content.

[$40 Discount] “Monetize Your Blog Posts” Content Bundle

Discover the strategies to earning a full-time living from your writing. Piggy Makes Bank’s “Monetize Your Blog Posts” PLR package reveals the various ways you and your customers can make money as a blogger.

With this content, you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, e-mails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. You’ll get:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mails
• 30 social media posts
You do not have to say good-bye cialis pills uk downtownsault.org to those awkward canicule of abortive acclamation and lower self-esteem. A Doctor of Chiropractic may use fingers, knuckles or elbow during visit here cialis in uk the application of pressure. If you find any sort of allergic reaction due to pill then immediately talk to the viagra canada pharmacies doctor about it to avoid embarrassment that could be caused due to insufficient blood circulation to the male genital organ. Swimming Endurance can be improved buy levitra online through swimming. • e-book compilation of the articles
• a 6,820-word e-book called “How To Start A Money-Making Blog”
• a companion workbook
• a “how-to” guide on how to set it all up as an e-mail challenge for your community

Use coupon code “BLOG” at checkout to save $40!

[Dime Sale] “Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone To Make Big Things Happen” PLR package

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone To Make Big Things Happen

Alice Seba has launched a new PLR package called “Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone To Make Big Things Happen“. This package includes a customized planner along with a detailed report (which you can give away) that will teach your readers how to step out of their comfort zone and accomplish their goals.

The package comes with the following:

• Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Report (.doc, 3,998 words/12 pages): Teach your readers about how to get out of their comfort zone and accomplish their goals.

• Comfort Zone Planner (.doc, 397 pages): A beautiful place to document thoughts and plans on what to focus on to get out of their comfort zone and bring more confidence into their lives each day.

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You also get the marketing materials they need to promote this content including:

• Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, she included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code. She even hosts the images!

• 2 Professionally Designed E-Cover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with the report and planner to help your opt-ins stand out.

Get your PLR package on dime sale now.

PLR Offer: “”Makeover Your Workday Routine” Content Bundle

We all tend to get in a rut and find ourselves doing busy work for the sake of it. Taking a fresh look at what we’re doing and making some small tweaks can give us an instant productivity boost. You can find all the latest strategies in Piggy Makes Bank’s “Makeover Your Workday Routine” PLR package.

Here’s what you get:

• 30 quality articles – perfect for blog posts
• 30 e-mail messages written to promote each of the blog posts
However, a 2015 review was found that this Sildenafil Citrate also know as viagra 5mg improves efficiency when the heart pumped blood into vessels, along with relaxation between beats. This experience is very important and you will never have sildenafil 10mg to change the pill and you will never regret your decision of choosing this pill as your priority. I have never experienced a stimulating libido and appear not to feel overnight delivery cialis great sensation in the genital area. Lots of ads that have to provide ads for getting the reasonable market in the competitive viagra in österreich go to the page market. • 30 social media posts so you can put Facebook and Twitter marketing on autopilot
• A compilation e-book of all articles. Use it as a content upgrade offer, a paid product, or a valuable bonus for one of your own info-products.
• A complete 6,000+ word e-book ready to turn into a paid product plus workbook bonus

Use this content to setup an autoresponder series that sends out an e-mail each day and challenges your readers to apply the strategies. Use coupon code “ROUTINE” to save $20 when you check out.

PLR Offer: “Small Habits Lead To Big Change” Content Bundle

Having goals in life is smart. It gives us something to shoot for and increases our chances of success. However, aiming too high and biting off more than you can chew are sure ways to end up abandoning your objective. If you want to make big change that lasts, it’s better to start small and work your way up.

It can be hard to figure out how to bring about big changes and that’s why Piggy Makes Bank created this “Small Habits Lead To Big Change” PLR package.

With this content, you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, e-mails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. You’ll get:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mails
• 30 social media posts
• A 6,040-word e-book called “Morning and Evening Routines That Set You Up For Success”
• A companion workbook/journal

[Dime Sale] “Time Management For Internet Marketers” PLR bundle

Time Management For Internet Marketers

One of the best skills a person can have is the time management skill—useful for both a person’s personal or professional life.

In the context of Internet Marketing, you need to first look at what Internet Marketing is, the process behind it and the goals you should have, so that you can competently and productively make money through optimizing your focus, talent and effort.

In Daniel Taylor’s Time Management For Internet Marketers” PLR package, you’ll get your questions answered, and more…by reselling the content for 100% profit!

It is packed with 10 modules and 3 unique bonuses:

Module 1: High-Quality E-Book
Module 2: Checklist
Module 3: Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4: Complete 5 Page Minisite
Module 5: Unique Promotional Sales Videos
Module 6: Awesome High-Quality Advertising Banners
Module 7: 10 Unique High Quality PLR Articles
Module 8: 10 Social Media Posters
Module 9: Fully Professional Source Graphic Files
Module 10: License Package

3 Unique Bonuses you’re also getting:

Fast Action Bonus #1 – PLR Mentor – 26 Part Training Video Course
Fast Action Bonus #2 – PLR Honey
Fast Action Bonus #3 – Private Facebook PLR Group

This course covers some of the following:

What You Should and Should Not Do With Time Management For Internet Marketers.
Creating A Schedule For Internet Marketers To Succeed In Their Business.
When It’s Time For Internet Marketers To Consider Outsourcing Their Work.
What Kinds Of Tasks Can You Successfully Outsource.
A Look At The Positive and Negative Aspects Of Outsourcing.
Creating a Morning Routine.
And there is no common treatment of cialis in canada this disease. Women comprise the majority of victims with sexual problems. tadalafil cialis The dope who signed up for that sub-prime loan would have lost his home sooner or later, one way viagra properien or another. If you generic cialis are suffering from the mentioned dysfunctions. How Important Is Time Management In Internet Marketing.
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Productivity and Staying Focused Are Keys To Internet Marketing Success.
Tips To Ensuring Your Productive At Your Work-At-Home Job.
What Can Happen When You Fail To Manage Your Time Wisely and Effectively.
Crucial Steps To Better Time Management.
How To Create A Daily Workday A Schedule.
The Need Of A Detailed Schedule For Your Internet Marketing Tasks.
Staying Focused On Your Tasks.
Creating A Schedule Is Simple To Do.
Fears Business Owners Have About Outsourcing Tasks.

Here are some ideas you can be doing with this product:

Sell the guide individually.
Give away one of them to build your list, and then drip-feed the rest of a period.
Use the package as blog content.
Create a Kindle e-book from them to sell on Amazon.
Put your name as the author.
Create a real book from it.
You can resell it as is.
Build a list from it.
Translate the content to other languages.
Use it for offline clients, coaching, speaking.
Turn it into a physical product.
Use the product as a bonus.
Use it as an upsell for your product.
Edit, modify, add and manipulate the content.

Plus much, much more!

Get instant access to this fresh, new PLR package for less than $10 now!

PLR Offer: “30 Days To Develop Your Brand” Content Bundle

Your brand is the voice or personality of your business. It represents the way that you want the world, and especially your audience, to see you and think of you. This occurs through the colors, fonts, images, words, and temperament you share with your audience through your content.

It can be hard to figure out just exactly what your brand is and that’s why Piggy Makes Bank created this “30 Days To Develop Your Brand” PLR package.

With this content, you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, e-mails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. You’ll get:

• 30 articles
• 30 e-mails
• 30 social media posts
• A 6,040-word e-book called “Know-Like-Trust: How Your Brand and Your Story Draw People in and Convince Them to Make That First Purchase”
• A companion workbook/journal

PLR Offer: “Abundance & Prosperity” PLR package

Abundance & Prosperity

An ALL NEW “Abundance & Prosperity” PLR package has just been released by Geoff and Susie O’Dea, ready for you to use and brand as your own!

As always, the content is well-researched and written to a very high standard.

All the content in this package covers the questions people ask on what they need to do to attract abundance and success into their life!

The main offer includes:

Module 1: E-Book – “Believe In Yourself” – 5,702 words, 27 pages. Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated!

Module 2: E-Cover Graphics – Many styles, JPG and PNG formats, plus PSD file.

Module 3: Report – “Law of Attraction” – 3,363 words, 18 pages. Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated!

Module 4: E-Cover Graphics – Many styles, JPG and PNG formats, plus PSD file.

Module 5: Squeeze Page and “Call To Action” Graphic

Module 6: 12 x High Quality Articles

Module 7: 12 x Social Posters – Perfect for sharing to all the social media platforms! JPG, PNG and PSD files included.

Module 8: 12 x Social Media Snippets – Ready to use, just add your link!

Module 9: Infographic – Professionally designed infographic! Perfect for uploading to Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram!

I think you’re going to love this “less than $20” offer!

This will make you $122.41 a day…

And it only takes 5 minutes to set up.

You don’t need a list or a website or even a product of your own.

My friend Delilah Taylor does this every single day.

She picks an affiliate product to promote, makes one little post on social media and collects commissions.

Now I know what you are thinking “This won’t work! I have posted stuff all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit and never made a dime.”

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Seriously, what could you do with an extra $122 today?

Grab this new offer by Delilah: 5 Minute Lead Machine

Delilah will teach you her exact profit-pulling strategy, step-by-step and you will haul in cash almost instantly.

PLR Offer: “Getting More Sleep To Increase Productivity” Content Bundle

Do you ever miss some sleep because your kids are sick, you are suffering from insomnia, or you’re trying hard to get more done and sacrifice sleep in the process?

When you don’t get enough sleep it can be like we’re walking around in a brain fog. Daily tasks take you longer, you’re dragging, and you are more prone to make mistakes. In short, lack of sleep hurts your overall productivity.

If you aren’t able to sleep well it won’t take long for you to feel stressed and run down. Over time the stress will show itself as fatigue and overwhelm which will result in burnout. To prevent this from happening, get enough sleep.

Making sure you get enough sleep on the other hand helps you get more done in less time, and do a better job. Being productive, getting things done, feeling accomplished are all good things if you have good health habits.

Sleep is another topic that has broad appeal over multiple niches. Almost everyone needs to better sleep for longer hours to be at their best.

Inside the “Getting More Sleep To Increase Productivity” PLR content bundle, you get:
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1) 10 PLR Articles – Share the articles on your blog, use them in your newsletter, or compile them into a fresh new lead magnet, perfect for the new year. Then promote the content using the included e-mails and social media posts. We’ve even included a handy implementation guide with plenty of ideas for making the most of this pack.

2) 10 E-Mails – Keep your readers engaged using e-mail autoresponders. These e-mails have been created to correspond with the articles in this pack to help you easily create an online course, post series with follow-up e-mails, or anything else that you can think of to keep your readers engaged.

3) 1 Short Report – The above articles formatted into a short report. Use it as a lead magnet to grow your list, make it a downloadable resource for your coaching clients or members, or make it a bonus to one of your other products.

4) 10 Social Media Posts – Custom-written social media posts that go hand-in-hand with each of the articles. Use them to whip up quick Facebook posts, schedule tweets for your posts, or consider combining these little text blurbs with images for your posts and use them on Pinterest or Instagram. No matter how you use them, these social media posts make promoting your content as easy as pie.

Give your fellow bloggers and Internet marketers the content they are looking for, for a price that’s way less than you’d pay a quality ghostwriter to write just one article for you.

[Dime Sale] “Overcoming Procrastination” PLR Package

Overcoming Procrastination

Alice Seba has released a new 4-week e-course package called “Overcoming Procrastination“. The e-course is also designed as a lead magnet. Everyone gives out a free report for an opt-in, but why not go a step further? This package includes 4 complete reports, checklists and worksheets!

Here’s what’s inside this high value package:

• 4 “Overcoming Procrastination” Guides: You get 4 illustrated guides (.doc) that teach your readers step-by-step how they can stop procrastinating and actually accomplish their goals! Topics include:

1. Why We Procrastinate and How it’s Harmful to Us
2. Recognizing and Halting Your Procrastination Habits and Patterns
3. Getting More Productive and Avoiding Procrastination
4. Making Productivity A Life Long Habit

• 4 Worksheets: You get 4 worksheets (.doc) that accompany each one of the guides so your readers can stay on track while learning how to stop procrastinating.

• 4 Detailed Checklists: You get 4 checklists (.doc) that will give your readers a summary of what steps to take based on each of the instructional guides.

You also get the marketing materials you need to promote your e-course including:

• 4 Course Delivery E-Mails: Add these e-mails to your autoresponder and deliver the course materials over 4 lessons.

• 4 Professionally-Designed E-Cover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 4 x 3D versions to go with each report to help your opt-ins stand out.

• 1 Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help you grow your list with this content, they included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for them. She even hosts the images for you!

Here are a few ideas for using the content:

• Use it as a highly-target lead magnet to grow your list. If you’re looking to grow your list of people who want to be more productive, you’ve got everything you need here. This e-course takes them through the steps they need to start setting goals and stay motivated and productive.

• Turn it into a paid product. There’s lots of great content here, plus you get the worksheets and checklists to help your customers take action. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.

• Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You’ve got a ton of fodder here for several informative blog post series. You can use the checklists and worksheets as opt-in offers or high-value free downloads.

• Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump of the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they’ll immediately see the value of their membership.

Some tips on how to build traffic to get those subscribers:

1. Share it on social media.
2. Get your affiliates to promote it, using their affiliate link.
3. Set up a retargeting ad campaign on Facebook, so you can get people who visited your site before to opt-in.
4. Find new audiences with more ad campaigns using Facebook, YouTube or Google ads.
5. Make a quick video to promote your course on YouTube and send them to your opt-in page.
6. Ask your subscribers and followers to share it. You can even provide an incentive for them to do so.
7. Partner with other publishers and swap opt-in promos.
8. Write guest blog posts on other relevant blogs and invite blog readers to sign up for your awesome freebie.
9. Provide useful commentary on blogs and news sites. Include a link to your opt-in page in the appropriate space. Don’t link to your site in the body of your comment.
10. Distribute press releases online and to other online and offline media.
11. Have a sweepstakes or giveaway on your site with a cool prize. Encourage entrants to claim their free gift and subscribe to your mailing list.
12. Get interviewed on websites, podcasts, etc. Get out there and get known!

Go get this very special private label rights content package for less than $10 now.

[Dime Sale] Grab your beginner-friendly cheatsheet to profiting with newsletters

There has been many opinions about the most optimal yet profitable e-mailing frequency, whether it’s alternate days, once or twice a week, twice a month or on specific weekdays…

Yet some veteran marketers already know the secrets to e-mailing *more* than once a day and still experience great results!

So what if you’ve been sold the lie that you can only e-mail once a week?

I sure know how you feel!

Now learn the simple techniques that empower you to e-mail with confidence and see your income increase day after day.

Barbara Ling and Dennis Becker has released “Making Glorious Profitable Newsletters 1-2-3 Cheatsheet” in which you’ll discover:

* How to easily develop the confidence to e-mailing at *least* once a day (and even more)

* How to grow your list via social media

* Zero cost vs. paid autoresponders—the inside scoop!

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* 100s of newsletter templates

And even more!

The enhancements are pretty cool as well:

* PLR and repurpose rights

* Content Generation GOLD Pack (oh the sheer weight of what you’ll gain!)

* Covert Affiliate Authority

Just imagine, within 30 seconds you could have at your fingertips the secret to beefing up your bottom line and then apply it to your business practices and see your income triple if not more…

What are you waiting for? Secure your dime sale offer while it lasts!

PLR Offer: “The Benefits Of A No Spend Challenge” Content Bundle

The concept of a No Spend Challenge is not just a trending topic; it’s a powerful tool that resonates across multiple niches, including:

• Personal Finance: Help your audience save money and rethink their spending habits.
• Self-Improvement: Encourage mindfulness and intentional living by focusing on needs versus wants.
• Sustainability: Promote eco-friendly living by reducing consumerism and reusing what they already have.
• Minimalism: Guide your audience in decluttering their lives and finding joy in simplicity.
• Parenting: Offer creative ways for families to have fun without spending money.

Piggy Makes Bank’s “The Benefits Of A No Spend Challenge” PLR content bundle includes 10 articles, 10 e-mails and 10 social media posts.

Discover how to embark on a no-spend challenge to save more money and get a handle on your finance.

Grab your copy and start profiting from all this professionally written and formatted content.

[Dime Sale] “Personal Development Email Power Pack” PLR package

Personal Development Email Power Pack

Alice Seba has launched a new PLR package called “Personal Development Email Power Pack” that will give your customers a ton of self-improvement content they can use in their e-mails right away to provide value to their readers.

The package comes with the following:

• 5 Self-Improvement Ready-To-Go Newsletters (.doc): Each newsletter already includes 2 personal development articles and 2 professionally designed inspirational graphics, but its template design allows you to easily swap out with other content.
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• 60 Done-For-You Autoresponder E-Mails (.doc)

• 5 Self-Improvement Lead Magnet Packs to grow your list which includes reports, worksheets, checklists and social media graphics with complete e-cover sets and opt-in pages.

Get your PLR package on dime sale now.

PLR Offer: “Increase Your Profits By Making Backend Sales” Content Bundle

Piggy Makes Bank’s “Increase Your Profits By Making Backend Sales” content bundle includes 10 PLR articles and 10 social media posts.

Teach your audience how they can increase their profits by making more sales after someone becomes a customer, a.k.a. backend sales. This is actionable content that you can also peruse and implement in your own business.
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Grab your copy and start profiting from all this professionally written and formatted content.

[Dime Sale] “Influential Marketing” PLR bundle

Influential Marketing

There comes a point where consumers want to make decisions for themselves but listen to influencers who have more in-depth opinions about a product/service, a brand or a company before commiting to a purchase.

The success of an influencer’s marketing will depend on how confident people feel in the choices they make. And that confidence can be seen or felt in the influencer’s content and presentation.

Start being seen as an influencer with Daniel Taylor’s “Influential Marketing” PLR package.

It is packed with 10 modules and 3 unique bonuses:

Module 1: High-Quality E-Book
Module 2: Checklist
Module 3: Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4: Complete 5 Page Minisite
Module 5: Unique Promotional Sales Videos
Module 6: Awesome High-Quality Advertising Banners
Module 7: 10 Unique High Quality PLR Articles
Module 8: 10 Social Media Posters
Module 9: Fully Professional Source Graphic Files
Module 10: License Package

3 Unique Bonuses you’re also getting:

Fast Action Bonus #1 – PLR Mentor – 26 Part Training Video Course
Fast Action Bonus #2 – PLR Honey
Fast Action Bonus #3 – Private Facebook PLR Group

This course covers some of the following:

How Can You Begin Your Influencer Marketing Campaign
E-Mail Marketing Is Still A Powerful Persuasive Instrument
Social Media Marketing Can Be A Powerful Tool In Marketing Campaigns
What Can You Do To Be More Influential
How You Can Be Influential With Your Article Writing
What It Takes To Figure Out Your Customers’ Influences Spots
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How To Increase Affiliate Income Using Influential Techniques
Influencer Marketing Can Be Powerful Advertising For Businesses
Popular Influencer Marketing Campaigns To Connect With Your Target Audience
Email Marketing Is The Wave Of Online Marketing
Does Your Social Media Influence Marketing Boil Down On Social Ranking?
Have A Personal Standard of Excellence
Key Elements That Will Help With Improving Your Communication Skills
Tips To Creating Intriguing Content For Your Readers
How To Establish An Influential Lifestyle and Make It Flourish
Creating A Presence On Facebook
Find Influencers For Your Affiliate’s Product
Presenting Products To Affect Consumer Choice

Here are some ideas you can be doing with this product:

Sell the guide individually.
Give away one of them to build your list, and then drip-feed the rest of a period.
Use the package as blog content.
Create a Kindle e-book from them to sell on Amazon.
Put your name as the author.
Create a real book from it.
You can resell it as is.
Build a list from it.
Translate the content to other languages.
Use it for offline clients, coaching, speaking.
Turn it into a physical product.
Use the product as a bonus.
Use it as an upsell for your product.
Edit, modify, add and manipulate the content.

Plus much, much more!

Get instant access to this fresh, new PLR package for less than $10 now!