Forget everything you know about traffic for a while, because you’re about to learn how easy getting huge quantities of targeted visitors can be.
Trust me, they’re out there. There are billions of people online, and probably millions in your niche, so it’s definitely possible to get in front of them.
But it takes more than just building a great site, because, as I’ve said so many times before, “build it and they will come’ was just a tagline for a movie, and a fictional movie at that.
Inside Dennis Becker’s new “The Honk! Honk! Web Traffic Guide“, you’re going to learn how easy it is to get traffic to your sites.
Good traffic, buyers, lots of it from all over, if you work at it.
He’s not going to teach you the latest black or gray-hat techniques that you might find out about in a report you purchase at the Warrior Special Offers section of the Warrior Forum, because he wants his techniques to stand the test of time.
Getting traffic consists of creating great content—written, audio, and/or video—then getting people to recognize you, the creator of the content as a voice of authority, as well as someone they know, like, and trust.
And then getting them to seek you out in addition to you seeking them out.
You’ll be doing things in a way that people can’t avoid, and the more you’re seen, the more likely it will be that people will buy from you.
Inside HHWTG, you’ll learn about:
– both free and paid traffic
– how to research and beat the competition
– getting backlinks naturally and how to build them
– creating content people will love and share
– writing amazing blog posts that will draw tons of visitors
– taking advantage of curation
– building relationships with other bloggers
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– leveraging your content in more than one way
– using press releases
– creating viral content
– using images to drive traffic
– using social media to drive traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google Plus, YouTube and elsewhere
– using webinars, podcasts, and audio to drive traffic
– getting people in the habit of coming back to your site
– forum posting to drive traffic
And so much more. At a hefty 175 pages, it’s something that you’ll want to not only read once, but keep coming back to over and over again.
There are dozens and dozens of ideas and techniques to bring you visitors, but you’re not going to use them all, you couldn’t possibly, at least not right away.
What I suggest is that you go through the book once, and then pick one or two methods to start with.
Start pulling in extra visitors beginning the same day, and master those one or two methods.
Simply doing that will more than pay back your investment in this guide many times over…
And then choose another method, and another one, and another one.
Soon you’ll be getting a flood of traffic to your site…the good kind of flood.
The traffic guide was inspired by multiple courses that Dennis had been through in the past, his own experience, extensive research into what’s working now, and is virtually guaranteed to work for the long term.
Again, the traffic is out there, in quantities greater than you could even use if you wanted to.
Start getting your share today.