Your clients don’t just want to survive, to get by, or to “do okay” in their business and life.
They want to wake up every single day over-the-moon excited to connect with their clients, crank out new content and offers and peek at their ever-growing bank balance.
They want to play and have fun and leave their days of “hustling and grinding” behind, for good. And they know they have not reach this state of bliss in their business yet.
Do any of these things sound painfully familiar to your clients?
✓ They got into business doing something they’re good at, but they (not-so) deep down know it’s not their true calling (and it hurts to continue to pretend).
✓ Their day is packed with to-dos and tasks they ‘should’ or ‘need’ to do, and next-to-nothing they want to do.
✓ They’re slowly growing resentful of their clients, hate almost everything they offer and literally cringe when they get a new inquiry or discovery call booking.
✓ They procrastinate on all the things, from e-mailing their list to following up with even the hottest leads.
✓ They’re making a little money—or even a LOT of money—but it seems like no amount of dollar signs is actually enough to make their work feel worth it.
✓ They don’t want to scale, to ‘grow’ or to “hit the next level” because they don’t even want to be doing what they’re doing right now!
So running a business feels uninspiring and stagnant for your clients, and their soul is calling them to a deeper purpose, but they just can’t see how they can go from here to there.

If you want to help your clients go from “making a living” to living out their soul’s purpose and make bank doing it, you’ll LOVE CoachGlue’s “Soul Aligned! How To Step Fully Into Your Purpose To Create More, Make More, And Live More!” video script and workbook package.
You’ll be able to teach your clients how to:
✓ Get crystal-clear on exactly what’s draining them in their current business model—and then release it (or transmute it), for good.
✓ Tune into, hear and trust their intuition and soul’s guidance (instead of brushing it off, ignoring it or telling themselves they’ll “get around to it later”).
✓ Get radically honest about what their soul is here to share (even if they’ve been scared to admit it or fuzzy about it up until now!).
✓ Heal the painful wounds, old programming and negative conditioning holding them back from living their true purpose.
✓ Make small-yet-noticeable shifts every day to create a more soul-aligned business quickly and easily.
✓ Magnetize what they truly desire in a way that feels safe to their nervous system, so it actually sticks and becomes their new normal.
And so much more!
You’ll get all of this:
1) Done-for-you video script: Whether you want to record a video training as your new product, or host a livestream or webinar for your clients, this video script has been completely done-for-you!
Or if video really isn’t your thing, just use the script to record an audio and package it up with the workbook!
This step-by-step video script covers:
Step 1: Get radically honest about what your soul is screaming to share
Step 2: Deep-dive to define (and ditch) what doesn’t align with your unique path
Step 3: Get clear on what you’re divinely designed to create
Step 4: Challenge your old beliefs so you can stop stalling and step boldly forward
Step 5: Make small, soul-aligned shifts and experience major fulfillment
Step 6: Re-align on the regular to keep the passion alive (and your soul wildly satisfied)
2) Done-for-you 49-page workbook: Your clients will love having this to download or print off.
3) Done-for-you sales page: This alone is worth hundreds of dollars because you won’t have to struggle to write a sales page or hire an expensive copywriter.
4) 21 Facebook posts. We want you to sell your products, so we included Facebook posts you can hand to your VA or social media manager to upload to spread the word.
Here are 10 more ideas to get you started:
1) Record a video or host a livestream/webinar using the script and then package up your training with the workbook and sell it on your website.
2) Sell the workbook by itself without video.
3) Record an audio using the script and package it up with the workbook.
4) Include it as a bonus for one of your other courses.
5) Use the content to create new trainings for your membership program.
6) Use it as an upsell or cart bump offer.
7) Been invited to teach at an online summit or event? Use the content to create your new training.
8) Use the video script as the outline for a new book.
9) Use the content to create a VIP day around the topic of this package, and give your clients a copy of the workbook.
10) Want to create a product or course on a similar topic from scratch? Use the sales copy from this package to help you sell your offer.