The world’s first automated stop motion video creator

Stop Motion Creator

As a video marketer, you know the importance of having cutting-edge tools and looks in your video marketing.

Today, I want to show you a stop-motion video.

That’s a style of video that looks like a ton of images were put together into 1 smooth yet eye-catching video.

And it’s the newest craze; Fortune 500 companies like Samsung and Starbucks started using them!

You can see some cool examples right here!
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I’m excited to introduce to you Stop Motion Creator, and just as the name says, it helps you create eye-catching, jaw-dropping stop-motion videos in just 3 simple steps, all in just seconds:

1. Select a video
2. Select the type and speed
3. Generate!

Then use these videos to make announcements, tell stories, promote products and events too.

See why Stop Motion Creator is a must-have video editing tool.

Create eye catching, animated stop-motion videos in 3 steps

This is a video you HAVE to watch!

It’s a demo of stop-motion videos. These are highly engaging, eye-catching videos that are the newest and hottest craze in the video marketing world!

Brands like Starbucks and Samsung are using them to make announcements, tell stories, promote their newest product, or even promote events.

And these videos tend to go viral fast, helping drive tons of traffic to your product, service, or website.

Today, my friend Andrew Darius has released the world’s first automated stop-motion video creator that’s going to blow your socks off.

It requires JUST 3 simple steps and it can help anyone create a video in seconds.

These videos used to cost $300 to $500 per minute to create, not anymore :)

Now you can do it from your own computer in just minutes!

Go see Stop Motion Creator in action!