Note: As search rankings change dynamically, whatever that’s being said about getting at no. so-and-so spot will be outdated. However, your ranking in relative comparison to a competitor’s tends to be seen as more ‘fixed’.
Following our “Smart Pricing Explained” post, Google de-indexed the error page and we wondered if the updated post might succeed on 1st-page result. Guess what, it ranks one ahead of the original source AGAIN!
This is definitely not luck, and before you start engaging us for SEO workshops, we can only reiterate that having a basic big picture of how Google ranks sites and pages with smart pricing is essential to getting properly started with SEO (refer to the post on smart pricing). It’s not like you have to pay $97 for clandestine info.
In fact, before you think you are no good at SEO, you should go into a “web stats” section within your web server CPanel and look for a list of key phrases that you are already indexed and ranked for.
Something like these statistics that I screen-captured from my own CPanel:

It doesn’t look like much, but the truth is every other day, at least 1 visitor somewhere is searching for something and we happened to provide it.
This is what the Long Tail of SEO is all about: the Age of Customization whereby people know exactly what they want, and they will go all out inquiring to get it.

Part of the Long Tail phenomenon is a “98% Rule” which Chris Anderson explains in his book to mean that no matter how much inventory is made available online, 98% of the items will sell at least once.
In this case, 98% of all pages from Internet Mastery Center Blog appear at least once in the search results for a key phrase it contains, provided they are already indexed in the search engine database, and some even rank on the first page for key phrases of secondary importance.
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Example: “Jay Abraham”, like “coca cola”, is too general a term. The more general a term, the more competitive it is to get ranked for it. The old adage remains true, that when someone types a key phrase that contains at least 3 words, you know that person is zooming onto something instead of window-shopping. The likelihood is there that s/he could be a buyer.
The trick is how to pre-empt what a possible buyer could be thinking. Answer: keyword research.
1. It’s open secret you can check for variations of a key phrase using research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, WordTracker or NicheBOT Classic. Variations are kept as records because people EXACTLY type them in the search boxes.
2. Then choose a key phrase variation that best reflects the content of your new blog post.
3. Write your post in a way that wraps your key phrase in the first paragraph.
4. Conscientiously apply the practice of SEO writing until it becomes a solid habit. Awareness of your actions is everything.
Is it any accident that there are 3 searches for “jay abraham marketing strategy setting super summit” or “persuasive ads“? God knows! But that’s precisely business at the speed of thought…
And you need to pre-empt that thought by knowing all the most relevant keywords pertaining to your industry or niche at your fingertips.
That’s the end of today’s lesson! Have you learned something? We hope so. In fact, it is highly possible that there is already a long tail somewhere in your web stats and you may think it’s quite an accidental achievement, except that you now wish you’d optimize your key phrases further with some effort put in.
The next SEO post splits camps and it’s open to the floor for debate…
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