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, we are still experimenting with our newsletter layout so that we can bring you more information in 3 clearly segregated sections based on the 3 core areas that IMC advocates: Products, Environment And Mindset. Tell us what you think.


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Shout #13, 19/03/2005 | Whitelisting Instructions


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All About The Internet, Software And Business


"Forget The Hype!" Is Not Hype Itself!

What Do Newsletter Readers Like And Don't Like?

Another Prophetic Hearsay By Michael Russell

Resource Recommendations



Review: "Forget The Hype!" Is Not Hype Itself!


, you could only cover 1/3 of the total information in the free edition, and the material is NOT your typical process-driven blueprint concocted by gurus. THEREFORE, this book most applies to you!


Through sharp observation, Anna-Marie Stewart imparts much of her 7-year experience and expertise in all her involvement with the Internet and the computer itself. "Forget The Hype!" may not be meant to read from start to finish, but it is easily accessible by its distinctively different chapters, so you just go straight into any one topic for immediate reference.


"Forget The Hype!" seems ambitious in that it wants to cover all the grounds between the 'webmaster' and the 'netrepreneur', but the information is essential when we must be competent in the daily handling of our online businesses.


Some lessons you get to learn are:


1) How to optimally manage your mails in Outlook Express.

2) E-mail marketing, list management and 'netiquette'.

3) How to appreciate and spot the differences between various online money programs i.e. MLM, IM etc.

4) How to identify correctly 6 major types of scams so that it won't cost you!

5) What should you do and NOT do to your website and getting traffic to your site (7 methods).

6) Where to do business networking online.

7) Read 12 interviews with real-life marketers and unearth personal never-been-revealed strategies!

8) How to make maximum income during the Christmas season!



What Do Newsletter Readers Like And Don't Like?


It is imperative you must know about this sooner or later. If you are into e-zine publishing right now, this set of criteria will significantly enable you to tweak your layout and presentation to suit your subscribers' taste in general. It's brief but better than nothing.


Newletter readers like:


Easy-to-skim designs
Short articles
Interesting subjects
Good visuals
Bulleted Lists
Content telling how to make money/save time
Offers and Benefits


Newletter readers DON'T like:


Intimidating pages
Disorganized information
Long, continuing articles
Overly frequent mailings
Irrelevant content
Impersonal tone
Receiving multiple copies
Chaotic page design
Too many pages


To cap it off, here's an article: Marketing With Ezines



Another Prophetic Hearsay By Michael Russell


Once again Michael Russell wrote something as crucial as your breakfast, concerning strategic changes to the way Google will determine and spider your web content according to quality.


"I have it on good authority that Yahoo and Google (and MSN) are going to be instituting very tight limits on the sites they spider during 2005.


An interview I read with a prominent Google employee said that their focus in 2005 was quality. The search engines will be looking for quality results to feed to their customers, and this means HIGH CONTENT sites with information of real interest to a human visitor.


1) They will cease the high-priority spidering of sites on the basis of Blogs once they release the Blog search engine facility (like Froogle but for Blogs only).


2) Any site with 'generated content'—like the sites that Traffic Equalizer and similar products produce—will be penalized to the extent of being banned from listing at all!


3) Sites will have their ranking evaluated on the basis of longevity—the longer a site with relevant content has been around the higher they will rank for searches.


4) Sites will be looked at on the basis of value for the client."



Resource Recommendations


1) Virtual Cover Creator: Here's another 3D cover creator software that helps you create professional-looking, unlimited 3D covers for your e-book, software box, CDs, special reports, two or three-sided boxes, electronic magazines and more in less than 3 minutes! Virtual Cover Creator has a complete 2D editing capabilities so that you don't have to use other graphic software. Download Shareware here.


The Human Inter-dependency Dynamics


Latest Articles


Acknowledge Differences—And Build Better Workplaces And A Better World by T. T. Mitchell

Make Joint Venture Approaches That Count by Robin Porter


Your Inner Strength Info-chest


Continuing With Kobe...


"What did Martin L. King say? 'That men might be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.' I couldn't care less of what Michael or Kobe do on the ball court, what's the content of their character? The media supported by the gate receipts of the fans creates these media darlings. Manute Bol pales in comparison to these two on the court, but every year he gave his starving country a million dollars.

40 point games do not redeem faulty character.


- John Thompson





Nelson replies: Absolutely. No arguments about that.


While what we do and are seen by others as doing defines 'performance', I suppose our motivation and intention behind the act of doing defines 'character'. 'Performance' creates American idols, while 'character' creates unsung heroes. That's why William Hung...well, you know. So many people just 'see through' him and adore him.


Hypothetically, it's pointless to compare one 'character' against another, as in William against Manute. That already eliminates the act of giving as a prime gauge for measuring 'character'. Why do I say that? I suppose each of us will go through a 'moment of truth' at one time or another through our lives. Such moments will push us to think and act crucially, and they test our character.


The very special folks like Manute don't make it a point to go through a moment of truth...they live it, and for as long as they live, they challenge themselves. That's provided they don't create a press release and want to appear on front page news for every million they give.


So 'character' is a subjective quality whereas 'performance' is something we at IMC believe can be measured with statistics.


Thanks John. If not for your great comment, we would not have realized this newsletter can be possibly broken up into 3 main sections. Although the issue of 'character' is not something we will frequently touch on in IMC, we can tell you our character and your character, dear , gradually shows itself after we interact with old friends for a good period of time. Be forewarned :) sooner or later you will have to confront the issue of character during your masterminding adventures. We will come to that under "The Human Inter-dependency Dynamics" section.


When we talk about the mindset, we are rather referring to how, not why, you form your own decision-making process based on all the knowledge you have. We are more concerned with 'performance' and various mental methodologies that enable you to reach a desired performance. They can be visualization techniques, mind-mapping, speed-reading, meditation, alpha-state awareness, NLP, prosperity consciousness, hypnosis, concentration booster, confidence booster, creativity techniques etc...and Kobe Bryant's 'mental disorder', whatever it is.


There are a lot of these labels and methodologies out there and the job of IMC is to present some of these things if ever they are helpful in your Internet Marketing work to an extent. However, we can guarantee you not even 95% of them are scriptural...heh, but we do have a commandment for you: thou shall not harm thyself or others at all times.


We wonder if the disclaimer statements at the end of the newsletter is necessary at all but we leave them there as a fixture for now.


Here's a homework for you: What is the difference between 'personality' and 'character'? Go figure that out.


Meanwhile , you should read John's blog. It's a thousand times better than all the other pointless and empty yadayadayada out there.



To Your Virtual Success,


Nelson Tan


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