Good day
, discover some of the best e-book publishing and marketing strategies today!
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About The Internet, Software And Business |
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Website Promotion:
20 Top Tips To Boost Your Profits by I-Key Benney
Marketing Strategies by Rich G
Tip For Researching For Your Next Original E-Book
Good Reason Why You Must Print Your E-Books Out
Too Much: 4 Downloads
Promotion: 20 Top Tips To Boost Your Profits by I-Key Benney
website promotion tactics to boost your online business.
Marketing Strategies by Rich G
The key that unlocks the sales potential of your e-book is to
find a single sentence that becomes your selling handle. This
sentence states what question or problem your book answers and
the benefits your e-book can provide. Then be sure to use that
sentence in every piece of sales and promotional material, and
every time anyone asks you about your e-book.
Besides promoting your books online, there are several other
strategies that can help you sell more books.
One is to give something away for free with your book, such as
a valuable bonus item. Or bundle several e-books under one price,
which lowers the price for each e-book if they were sold separately.
An effective technique for figuring out a price is to send out
a survey to your current customers. If these customers have already
bought an e-book from you, ask for their opinion in terms of price.
Do this by creating a sales page for the new book, but don't include
a price on that page. Instead, add a number of links to survey
questions that ask pointed questions to aid you in assigning a
price to your e-book.
Another strategy is to test out prices by creating a number of
duplicate sales pages with different prices on each page. Make
sure your sales copy is exactly the same on every page, and includes
your selling-handle sentence. Then figure out for each page the
conversion ratio between visitors to your site and sales of your
book. This will tell you what your optimum price is.
Ultimately, if you've written a book that solves a problem or
presents a new technique, your book will bring in both traffic
and profits. So be sure to write that selling handle sentence
that sums up what problem your book solves and what the benefits
of your book will be to the customers who purchase it. And then
watch your market come to you.
Tip For Researching For Your Next Original E-Book
You might have figured
this out, but the majority won't. If you keep all your Internet
Marketing info-products (files) in one directory, it would be
easy to start. As you know, e-books come in many shapes and sizes...some
are real tome with hundreds of pages while others are quick reads
at less than 5 pages.
if you are looking
for some leads for new ideas for your next writing project, go
to your Windows Explorer, click "View" -> "Arrange
Icons by" -> "Size". Your directory will list
the smallest files first. More often than not, these small files
are given away in the first place. I can't say what gems you may
find yourself, but I dare say there is enough information on my
side here to combine into a brand new book. It's already tough
to start from scratch, but a few good ideas here and there can
inspire you to expand and build on them, and some people do have
a knack for it. It's one quick way to brainstorm. –
Good Reason Why You Must Print Your E-Books Out
There is general
agreement that if you create a print-out instead of reading text
online, you get a little more serious with the stuff. At least
you can scribble notes or highlight on paper. It also makes for
easy reading away from the harsh and artificial computer screen
Much: 4 Downloads
1) 12
Minutes To Internet Success: This
ZIP file contains Ewen Chia's 2 latest free reports. Look out
for "the world's ugliest diagram"...
2) Private
Label Rights Tips: As you may know
Jeremy Burns is the mastermind behind many private label rights
sales as we know them today. Many people are making hundreds of
thousands of dollars
a year with these amazing kinds of promotions and that's because
they modeled Jeremy Burns!
Until now, Jeremy has never revealed his secrets for making a
killing with his well crafted sales, and you can get Jeremy's
course now absolutely F-R-E-E!
In this exciting new course Jeremy reveals all of his top secret
profit strategies for making cold hard cash with private label
rights, and the best part is he's doing it at no cost!
3) PLR
Dashboard: There's nothing like
it. PLR Dashboard lets you search through your PLR Products by
Keyword, Store URLs and Membership Site details, Monitor usage,
and keep an eye on your costs.
4) Niche
Browser: What kind of browser is
this that turns your computer into a niche-finding powerhouse??
It is the Internet marketer's wet dream of an access to low-competition,
high-interest, and disposable income and you can write your own
cheque :-)
Picks |
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Site Comments
Brain Bullet
Site Comments
One of the things
netizens love the most about blogs is the user-generated content
that starts to kick in through comments being posted. This does
a few things:
* More content for your blog
* Keeps pages updated for search engines
* Starts discussions
* Gets visitors to come back
* Creates a "community"
However, the problem all along has been that ONLY blogs make
it easy to control the ability to allow comments on your site.
Because of that, static pages are normally neglected. However,
Site Comments by Robert Blackstone is going to change all
that. His script allows you to easily allow others to post comments
on your site to even static articles you've written.
You can even go back now and install it on all your pages (even
if you wrote them years ago). Instant
Site Comments will give your visitors a voice of opinion and
get them engaged on your site a while longer. Check out the demo.
Brain Bullet
How would you like your computer to brainwash you as you work?
:) Brain
Bullet sits in your Windows system tray and beams sublimal
and affirmative messages without interfering with your operation
of the computer so that you can improve your inner thought processes
without resistance, develop successful patterns of behavior, remove
habitual personality flaws, increase your mental capacity for
learning, and re-engineer your entire outlook on life—WITHOUT
NO meditating! NO hypnosis! NO self-help books! NO expensive
therapy! NO "positive thinking"! Messages are suitable
for people from most walks of life including smokers trying to
quit, students waiting to pass exams, athletes undergoing sports
psychology etc. Ready to change your
life? Bite the Brain
Human Inter-dependency Dynamics |
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E-Mail From Angry Customers by Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O'Flahavan
E-Mail From Angry Customers by Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O'Flahavan
This article
could not be more timely at least for us...if you get what we
mean...*GASP* Did we mean to imply YOU are the angry customer
kekeke. We all have seen better days but perhaps the rule that
"the customer is always right" (at least more than half
the time) is what makes product and service providers improve
themselves. Let Marilynne and Leslie enlighten you with 10 tips
to avert a tense situation when you receive an angry e-mail from
an unhappy customer.
Personal Mastery |
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Your Potential by Robert J. Lumsden
Your Potential by Robert J. Lumsden
Always bear in mind
that you have more ability than meets the eye. You are, in fact,
extremely versatile. As you continue saying no to the negative,
you will begin to see your hidden powers developing.
"I can" is a wonderful key unlocking countless doors.
"I do" prises open the most rustiest and most formidable
locks. "I believe" opens magical casements and reveals
hidden treasures.
You are more skilled, more gifted, possible more intelligent
than you have ever imagined. It is well within your powers to
be determined, patient, self-reliant, industrious, painstaking,
accurate, punctual, strong, helpful, and responsible. You are
able to develop a better memory, a stronger will, more self-confidence,
a greater facility with words, greater organizing ability. You
can get things done.
"It is all too obvious that, in the greater majority of
human beings, the greater part of their possibilities, whether
physical or spiritual, intellectual or aesthetic, remains unrealized."
That is the opinion of one of our leading biologists, Sir Julian
Huxley. It is an encouraging and challenging statement. In the
light of it you may go on enriching your life by calling upon
your dormant powers. You may safely believe they exist and go
on to exploit them to the full.
Naturally, saying "Yes" to life will lead you to do
this to a gratifying extent. Enroll for courses. Take up new hobbies.
Accept greater responsibilities. Undertake untried tasks. Under
the stimulus of greater demands and new challenges, your potential
power will surface. You will be surprised and your friends as
they see the hidden YOU emerging.
But it was only what was to be expected!
Your Virtual Success,
Nelson Tan