How would your affiliate marketing business look like in 2013?
Ideally, many of us would like to have a little business of little websites that earn a solid income on their own.
It would be a business that is easy to run and requires low effort, that you could run in your spare time, that would keep generating an income while you were sleeping, and give you not only more financial abundance in life, but more time freedom as well…the ability to do more of what we WANT in life.
Would you like to learn affiliate marketing that pays you passively from a master practitioner?
Andrew Hansen has released a new online training course that offers a way for many people to create an online business earning an income from home or anywhere in the world.
Now Andrew would be no stranger to most veteran Internet marketers. What they do not know is affiliate marketing has allowed him and his wife Elysia to live in numerous different countries around the world, taking almost monthly vacations, all paid for by affiliate marketing websites he set up once and they keep paying him.
In “Forever Affiliate“, Andrew precisely teaches how you can do that too.
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Forever Affiliate is divided into 4 main sections and consist of approximately 55 videos. Each video averages out to be about 20 minutes long. In addition, each video comes with its own transcript (PDF) for those of you who prefer to read. In addition, once Andrew explains something to you, he walks you through true-to-life examples. Beyond this, there is also a bonus niche pack (20 different keyword sets, monthly search volumes, and affiliate program) and video. There is also a “tools” page, where you’ll find resources that Hansen uses for blog protection as well as a few links to quality products that teach various business models and a support desk. Here’s a break down of the modules in FA.
Forever Affiliate Theory: being a FA, the truth about search engine marketing in 2012, how to avoid Google penalties, why it’s become easier to make money as an affiliate using the search engines, the 3 types of sites: authority, mini, and piggybacking (using free sites as landing pages, article marketing etc.).
Phase 1 (Initial Research): analyzing the size of potential markets (criteria for keyword research for Exact-Match-Domains and authority), profitability testing a market (calculating how much money you can make REALLY, REALLY COOL), analyzing competition (cool, free tool), how to make sure an offer will convert, niche discovery and high-end niche markets (great or those doing an authority site), (another cool, free tool) more (worth the price of the course alone)!
Phase 2 (Testing and Validation): why we test, WordPress setup—domains, hosting, installation, themes, plugins, initial on-page optimization (pay close attention to this), Google Analytics, affiliate disclosure (very important), content strategy (mini-site and authority site models), link cloaking and tracking, content creation criteria and how to write a quality review (product-name and non-product name content), laying out and optimizing your content, new site promotion and linking strategy, and more.
Phase 3 (Expansion): overall Forever Affiliate SEO Theory, how and why to use press releases, using private high PageRank backlinks, the truth about social signals, guest posting, tiered link building services, adding content through the expansion phase, and more.
If you’re new to making money online (or struggling), tired of the hype and lies and looking for a quality program that teaches a proven method for generating real commissions while being instructed by a real-life marketer with a long-standing reputation for doing what he teaches and delivers results, you need look no further than Andrew Hansen’s Forever Affiliate. His Forever Affiliate system comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you’re ready to put yourself in the driver’s seat of your financial future, I invite you to experience “Forever Affiliate” for all it’s worth.